Rose and Jay?

Come on, you can't tell me that was a normal mother-son relationship between Rose and Jay. What 15-year-old calls his mom into his room when he's lying on his bed in his boxer shorts with one hand down his pants? All of their scenes together were just really creepy. Am I the only one that got that vibe?


You are not the only one. I totally agree that their scenes were a bit creepy. What was with her smelling his breath while he was sleeping? I didn't get it.


I was thinking the samething. Creepy and weird. Made me really uncomfortable.

"To love another person is to see the face of God" Jean Valjean


The smelling of his breath was extremely bizarre, and some of their physical interactions were creepy indeed. And though it seems like they had a very close relationship, she was taken aback when he told her he had sex.

I don't think that segment needs heavy analysis. It was just written awkwardly. And the dwarf element seemed forced.


I think I agree with what info-3745 said about her just missing being physical with someone. That's why the part in the car with the dwarf where she reached her arm out and touched him was so startling for her. I think it just had to do with her transitioning from loving her child as a child into loving him as an adult.


I think it was just a reaction of protection. I actually have done this with my mother and sister when one has been in the passenger seat and I had to stop quickly - my hand shoots out to WHOMEVER is sitting there - to keep them from hitting the windshield. I am a mother and it's just instinct. When I first saw this some years ago, I thought the boy was her lover - then I realized CRIPES IT'S HER SON!

"Hey, I should be mad at YOU . . . now turn around"


i think, that mothers or fathers do behave quite strange, when they start realizing that their kids are becoming adults. they may try to bond even more and this is what kids get pissed of and draws them further away from their parents. i havent seen the whole episode though but have seen all the parts people mention here and do find strange. i dont think that this is realy that strange. as a parent you start missing the bad breath of your kinds, or their smell in general. you start missing hugging them and feel them. you start missing touching each other. this is where people learn becoming aware of their body, by hugging and cuddling with your parents or sisters and brothers. if you havent been able to do so in your childhood you will miss a big and important part later on in your life.
so, thats my oppinion. rose is missing being physical with someone. she starts missing a lover, someone who touches her and loves her.


I thought it was pretty hot. Reminded me of me and my mother, except Mom had bigger boobs.


Regardless of any of the rest of it, his having his hand down his shorts while talking to his mother was weird.
