The ending...

I just don't get it.

Am I supposed to assume that Lector just hops on a plane, no disguise, arm in a sling and there is no one that stopped him in that long, arduous security process? Or is the FBI still so untrusting of Clarice when they find her, that they don't believe a word she says? Either way... seems far fetched and not well thought out.


Yeah that part was beyond stupid.It' obvious that this movie sucked.


I've seen this movie a dozen times, and the end still bothers me. The book ending has Hannibal and Clarice running off together, so let's assume that someone on the FBI Most Wanted list would care enough for her to cut his own hand off to save hers ?? Ridiculous. .. . but then to somehow escape from the remote lake house with one hand cut off , FBI searching high and low for him, and calmly catches a plane with severed arm in a sling ?? some parts were just silly, but the Italian scenes were great
