MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2001) Discussion > This should have been really good

This should have been really good

what with the talent involved....sir ridley scott, imo one of the great directors...writers david mamet and steven zaillian...and anthony hopkns back as hannibal lecter as well as gary oldman...i dont know how it went wrong....

thats the most dissapointing thing about the movie, the amount of really talented people who worked on it but ended up producing something very average


But it was good.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.




Great sig.

And yes this was better than SOTL + the following films put together...beatifully paced, shot and scored. Hannibal Rising was just moronic.

"Well, let's not start suckin' each others dicks just yet......"


I agree it was just lacking something that SOTL had. It wasn't as memorable. If this came out first it wouldn't have gotten as much recognition as SOTL.


by - joke_ster36-2 on Sat May 26 2012 20:44:37
I agree it was just lacking something that SOTL had.
It was the Foster/Hopkins chemistry that was lost. Also, the ending with Hannibal feeding a little kid human brains? This would have worked if it was an adult, but a kid? Dr. Lector may be a cannibal, but he has turned from villain to anti-hero due to his intelligence, class and charisma. And that one last scene contradicts everything else we saw in Hannibal and even Silence. Hannibal feeding human brains to an adult is chilling, yet fitting with the character. Hannibal feeding human brains to a child is creepy in an uncontrolled sort of way.

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Not only that but Hopkins performance was best in SOTL. I guess people were right saying that he was like superman in this movie. I guess he's just more interesting and menacing in smaller doses like in SOTL than in this. He did seem more like a real person in SOTL rather than an anti hero. Also his performance in Red Dragon wasn't as good either probably because Anthony was much older. I think SOTL was perfect on it's own and didn't need a franchise.





I think it was because it wanted to concentrate too much on the gore and less on the character.

But I also agree Jodie Foster brought something to the role Julianne Moore didn't, and I also agree Dr. Lector was too much of a superman.


In a way I sort of preferred this to SOTL, because I feel Hopkin's Lecter is truer to the character in the book. I love the novel Silence of the Lambs, and Lecter in the book is described as sleek and otter-like, seems subdued and almost ageless. . . Hopkin's portrayal was way too hammy and theatrical. I LIKE hammy and over the top, when it fits, but this didn't work right for me. Whereas Hannibal was a pretty silly book; enjoyable but kinda trashy, like a good Stephen King novel, and Hopkin's Lecter fit perfectly. Great reading, not great literature. Great movie, not great cinema. I read that Harris was forced into writing Hannibal when he didn't want to by his publishing company, and purposefully wrote what he considered to be a crappy book. I enjoyed it anyway, and I better appreciated Hopkin's acting as an older and far more unrealistic Lecter. Still I think SOTL was overall the better movie and Jodie Foster was a far better Starling. But I wouldn't expect a better movie based off that book, I'd have expected a better book based off its predecessor.


And Giancarlo Giannini, Ray Liotta, Francesca Neri, Hans Zimmerman's soundtrack, yet again, its the worst of the franchise.



Harris was obviously saying F-U to his publishers writing Hannibal. Lecter was at his best as a supporting character. A tremendous amount of work went into Red Dragon and SOL. Not so much with what Harris wrote after that. I enjoyed reading all of them, but I was pissed at the same time that Harris didn't care if his readers got crap. Enjoy your money dirtbag.


Harris was obviously saying F-U to his publishers writing Hannibal.

why? what did the publishes do? what made him not care?????


I think Hannibal is far superior to SOTL - call me crazy. I thought SOTL was over-rated. I've watched Hannibal a dozen times and SOTL three or four times.

Hannibal has a better atmosphere, a better score, location and it was just crazy enough for me. Also, Giancarlo Giannini! I prefer Julianne Moore to Jody Foster
and the bizarre cameo by Osama Bin Laden. Ray Liotta eats his own brain. That's better than Buffalo Bill in my twisted book.




All 3 movies are awesome because of the material they all bring to the table, the characters, the acting, the casting, it's all satisfying IMO.


Without question, this is certainly one of the biggest disappointments of the last decade, and it's confusing given the extreme talent that was involved.

Good acting and some decent moments are there, but this movie is certainly a mess, dull for a large part of it and it just never feels right, like they never nailed the tone.


I think Hannibal is far superior to SOTL - call me crazy. I thought SOTL was over-rated. I've watched Hannibal a dozen times and SOTL three or four times.

Hannibal has a better atmosphere, a better score, location and it was just crazy enough for me. Also, Giancarlo Giannini! I prefer Julianne Moore to Jody Foster
and the bizarre cameo by Osama Bin Laden. Ray Liotta eats his own brain. That's better than Buffalo Bill in my twisted book.
------^ this x10


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I like how people bitch that Hannibal is like "Superman" in this movie because of how good he is at evading capture, but nobody bitches about the crazy jail break scene in Silence which is just as over the top.

Hannibal is a great, great film. Julian Moore is much better than Foster who is INCREDIBLY overrated in Silence. She is perfectly competent in the role, but rather bland imo. Moore got across the toughness and vulnerability of the character much better without going over the top.


Silence of the Lambs is overrated and I too wish that Julianne Moore had played Clarice as opposed to the overrated Foster but Hannibal is still a garbage movie and to act like it's a fact that it's a good movie won't mean much against the overall negative critique and place it received in film history.




And it WAS really good, go figure!


come on guys... have you actually seen these actors in other films before? Julianne Moore and Gary Oldman are terribly wasted in this, especially Oldman. You might as well have the elephant man play his part and there wouldn't have been any difference.


the atmosphere in hannibal is perfect for the genre; eerie and chilling. loved hannibal being out and about. loved the scenes with giancarlo gianini chasing after hannibal. great movie.
silence of the lambs was boring and overrated.
