MovieChat Forums > Kaubôi bibappu: Cowboy Bebop (2001) Discussion > Quite possibly the best English dubbing ...

Quite possibly the best English dubbing voice cast ever.

Do they charge a lot or something? There's gotta be a reason I don't hear much from them elsewhere. Besides Steven J Blume, I mean. I'm well aware that he's all over the voice-acting place. But as for Wendy (sometimes spelled Wendee) Lee, I heard her in Perfect Blue, Soul Calibur 2, and ... that's pretty much it. As for the other two, I haven't heard anything. Maybe I'm just not watching enough anime or something, but unless they're not more available, casting directors should be breaking their doors down ... metaphorically speaking, of course.
"There is no escape, John!"


Wendee Lee is in EVERYTHING.

To quote the TV Tropes page, linked below, "she is particularly prolific in the dubbing of anime, where she has more credits than any other actor in English dubbed versions, with 223 credits as of April 2009." eeLee

Beau Billingslea is in quite a bit too.

I think that you're probably watching anime from different companies; Funimation releases most of the anime I watch, but they're based in Texas. I think the crew that did CB was based out of New York, so they hire Northern actors while Funi hires Southerners, and other companies hire actors on the East Coast, etc. Don't hold me too all that, but I'm pretty sure it's more geographical in casting voice actors than anything else.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Then I haven't been watching enough anime. Or Wendee and Beau are so varied, they're sometimes hard to recognize; I didn't even know she did the voice of Xian... no wait, that's Tekken. Anyway, I didn't even know she did the voice of what's-her-name from Sould Calibur 2 until I looked at the character profile. Steven J Blum's voice, while also talented and varied, is much easier to detect across his performances.


Yeah, I rarely watch anything with the CB cast. I know that Tiger & Bunny had bothy Blum and Billingslea, and Wolf's Rain had Blum and a one episode role for Billingslea. Those were... Viz? I don't know who released them.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Edward's voice always bugged me because I knew I'd heard it somewhere before, but I looked at Melissa Fahn's filmography recently and learned she was the voice of Gaz in Invader Zim. That's the main thing I know her from.

"To me, absurdity is the only reality."
-Frank Zappa


To those asking what happened to the VA's.

Blum - Does more western animation and video games as it pays more. Last anime his did was Tiger & Bunny as far as I know.

Wendee Lee - She still does anime on a consistent basis. Pretty sure she's writing/directing etc now too.

Beau - He still does some voice over but over the last few years he's done more on camera work than anything.

Melissa Fahn - I heard she scaled back her anime work to pursue other career opportunities.

One of, if not my actual favorite dub ever.


It's the best English dubbing I can remember. Totally captures the spirit.

"Lovey-dovey. Bonk bonk on the head!"


The dub certainly is up there with Yu yu hakusho, which was a fantastic dub job imo.


I agree that Bebop is the best of all time.
