MovieChat Forums > Kaubôi bibappu: Cowboy Bebop (2001) Discussion > The greatest masterpiece ever created...

The greatest masterpiece ever created...

For me, Cowboy Bebop is the pinnacle of visual art- cinema, anime, you name it. If this is not the best thing you've ever seen, what is? Just curious if anyone has the same feeling.


It's up there for me. Definitely one of my favorite things ever.

I almost regret watching it so early on in my anime viewing because nothing really compares :)

I am Senor Velasco, I drink my milk with tabasco


I agree! This was also my first and I have seen many since- including Evangelion. Nothing touches Bebop.


It certainly is a thing of beauty. The animation, the characters, the story, the fun, the music, oh god, the music.

Let's be bad guys.


Simply the greatest television show ever created


I like Cowboy Bebop too.

"To kill the unborn in the womb"-Iron Maiden
