All The Yamcha Hate

Yamcha gets a lot of hate and bashing from DBZ fans. IMO people need to back off of Yamcha. He proved to be an excellent fighter and showed great potential, but he still got sh*t on with rotten luck throughout the series which isn't his fault. Not to mention he'd pawn any regular human in a heartbeat. The fact that Yamcha gets sh*t on so much despite having such talent and potential makes him a very relatable character IMO.
Bulla, now that's a useless character. She never even attempts to train despite being a half-Saiyan, and the daughter of Vegeta and sister of Trunks at that. Why don't people ever hate on Bulla for being useless like they do with Yamcha? Just curious...


Bulla/Bra does not exist since GT does not matter anymore. Also she only appear in a handful of episodes while Yamcha was in DB and Z. Not enough material on Bulla to even care.

Yamcha has that cool badass design yet he is garbage. He never lived up to potential, he is that dude that buys all the fancy tech and cloths to get noticed but he isn't really special.

Krillin and Tien can beat him so he wouldn't beat any regular human. Unless you are talking about people like Hercule which is dumb because anyone can beat him.


Krillin and Tien aren't regular humans (super strength, flight, energy blasts, etc.). There's even a theory and/or rumor floating around that Tien is half-alien. I don't know how accurate that is though.
Even if Bulla only appeared rather briefly at the end of DBZ, it still seemed obvious that she never showed even the slightest interest in making the most of her Saiyan heritage.


You do know Gohan never showed a real interest in fighting too right?

He never enjoyed it, half saiyans are more attached to their human side and don't want to fight like a pure blood. Future Trunks was only a fighter because the Androids took everything he loved. Kid Trunks wanted to be like Vegeta but in garbage GT as a teen it wasn't his thing, same with Goten. They just wanted to hang around adults and fighting was the way.

Basically they were Americanized by Chi Chi and Bulma, they wanted their kids to do anything but fight. Sure they let them enter a tournament, but they knew no one would challenge them and it was a easy pay day. That does not mean they wanted them to fight real threats.


I remember when I was young, I really liked Yamcha, in Dragon Ball -non Z-.

I was sad when he was left behind in Z, but I guess it has to do with the enter of Vegeta as an ally, father of Trunks, etc. I guess it can't be helped that people make fun of Yamcha in Z.

Regarding Bra, as other poster stated, she is barely seen at the end of Z, and since GT is not cannon, we don't know what is gonna happen with her, if Pan is super-strong and can fly since she was born and she's only 1/4 Saiyajin, I'm looking forward to see Bra in Super, but I don't think she's gonna be a fighter, I guess she's gonna be more like Gohan (who never really liked to fight, as the other poster said). Also, in Pan's family there's a lot of fighters (her paternal great-grandfather and grandmother, both her grandfathers and both parents), humans and saiyas.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language


DBZ is a Goku/Gohan-centric show so I think characters like Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin who were awesome in Dragon Ball kind of fell by the wayside in DBZ because of it. Tien was my favorite character in Dragon Ball, but even I'll admit he was a useless filler character in DBZ. As far as people hating Yamcha, it might be because he doesn't really make any significant contributions to any of the fights in DBZ. I think people have to watch Dragon Ball to fully appreciate the three characters I mentioned.


Yamcha deserves all of the hate he gets
Hes the most useless and weakest Z-Fighter ever
Hes like the Dan Hibiki of DBZ or the Johnny Cage of DBZ

Here are 4 reasons why we hate yamcha

1 - he loses the 1st round in every world tournaments
2 - he dies in the battle against the saibaman
3 - he loses his girlfriend because his girlfriend (bulma) falls in love with vegeta
4 - he cries for goku after goku sacrificed his life in the battle against cell


You do know Gohan never showed a real interest in fighting too right?

Of course, but he still became a formidable fighter and contributed greatly anyway.

DBZ is a Goku/Gohan-centric show so I think characters like Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin who were awesome in Dragon Ball kind of fell by the wayside in DBZ because of it.

Very well said! 

Here are 4 reasons why we hate yamcha

1 - he loses the 1st round in every world tournaments
2 - he dies in the battle against the saibaman
3 - he loses his girlfriend because his girlfriend (bulma) falls in love with vegeta
4 - he cries for goku after goku sacrificed his life in the battle against cell

1. Bad luck is all (and more skilled opponents).
2. So do Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu. Heck, Chiaotzu self-destructed in an attempt to kill Nappa but was unsuccessful.
3. Another reason why Yamcha is such a relatable character. Don't forget this either, Vegeta played a role in Yamcha's first death but Bulma still fell for him in the end. If anything people should bash Bulma for being an unfaithful slut.
4. Grieving the death of a long-time friend is bad, really?...


I have no issue with the fact that Yamcha is outclassed by Saiyans, but I don't like that he has kind of an arrogant, I'm-such-a-cool-guy attitude about himself that doesn't seem particularly justified.

In comparison, Krillin and Tien are way more useful throughout DBZ, and both more powerful than Yamcha is, but aren't cocky about it either. Tien is stoic and not prone to showing off, and Krillin is notably humble and insecure about his abilities.

When I was younger I really didn't like Yamcha, but I've mellowed on him. He sucks, but he's fine. Having been around since the beginning, he's earned his place on the show and I don't resent his presence like I do some new characters who show up and kind of take over like Goten and Kid Trunks, or Hercule.

As for Bulla, I don't really notice people talking about her one way or the other. She's such a non-entity that I don't really have an opinion about her. Dragon Ball Super appears to not even be including her, considering Pan's been born and there's no sign of Bulla.


Nobody hates Yamaha.
In fact he's so popular he's getting his own manga...


Who in their right mind can hate Yamcha?

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!


Tien>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Krillin>YAMCHA>>>Chouzu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yajirobe>>>>>>Puar>>Oolong>>>>>>>anyone else I forgot


Oh yeah, Tien is the baddest motherfcker out of them all, no doubt about that!

Punching Trolls in the face like Buzz Aldrin!


I always liked the human Z Fighters, which is why Dragon Ball was my favorite growing up. I wanted Yamcha to do more, but he was made to be useless pretty much every time. It was unfortunate. Still though, he was a friend.

The Wolf Fang Fist is an awesome move though. No doubt.
