MovieChat Forums > Ringu 2 (1999) Discussion > Ringu 2 VS The Ring 2 (American)

Ringu 2 VS The Ring 2 (American)

haven't seen ringu 2

anyone have any comments which was better (or crappier)?


Go make yourself a dang quesadilla.


sadly it's a 'which was crappier?' question.
ring(u)2 is a reaction to the very unsuccessful 'rasen' - the 'true' sequel to ring which was based on the second book in the trilogy but turned audiences off because it has too much science and not enough scares. they asked nakata to return for an alternative sequel and what he did was add scares. there some real corkers in this film and they're spread through the film more evenly than the first film. the problem is that the story is a bit ambitious. it, too gets overly involved in science. this all means that ring(u)2 is a cool film and an enjoyable horror but doesn't stand up to repeat viewings. when you watch it again, knowing the scares, all you see are it's shortfallings. (incedentally, this is quite the opposite to ring0 (prequel) which i wasn't too fond of the first time but the more times i see it the more i like it)

as for the ring two (US) i don't have much to say. it's really bad. they set up conventions and rules in the first film then break them all in the second. they set up interesting possibilities for sequels in the first film then ignore them all for the second. i feel like they tried to expand on the very simple ideas of the first film but tried to do too much. all the scares and atmosphere come from the simplicity of the curse. when these waters get muddied samara becomes less threatening and so does the the whole film.
loved the bit where samara was crawling up the side of the well though... that was pure nakata!

the hills are alive with the sound of screaming!


i watched ringu 2 before ring 2. i enjoyed ringu 2 more i guess because of it's originality. in a way the storyline to me made sense. ring 2 i have to admit has great special effects especially the bathroom scene. That was the whole reason i watched ring 2 when i saw the trailer. but unfortunately i didn't feel like rewatching it not like ringu 2 i had to watch it one more time before returning it.




Both, IMO, are good modern day 'chillers' that can absolutely kick your a$$ if you give it the right setting (night time alone should do the trick). Sadly, neither are a candle to the original or its re-make. Since I was a fan of 'The Ring' I naturally side with 'The Ring Two', but having seen each remake before the original, I would not take this as a legitimate objective insight. Realistically speaking, I feel that a remake of any sort needs to blow the original out of the water to be considered better, and since there is no clear winner between the two, you'd have to side with the original.

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The problem with Ringu 2 for me was the total lack of association with a ring of any shape or form. I thought the American production did a better job in the whole exposition and much better acting. I don't even have to go into the sound effects that really made the movie.


Well, the original Ringu idea is not so much about a 'ring shape', nor is it about a telephone ring sound, but about the circle shape. A never-ending figure.

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ring 2 was better the the ring 2 in my opinion and as far as the story goes ring was better than the ring


While it's evidently not perfect, Ring 2 is infintely time better than the terrible US sequel. I quite liked Ring 2 (enough to give it four stars), while the ring twO was just... poor. It wasn't terrible (see the grudge for a worse movie), as it was at least intelligent and did have some interesting scenes, but overall it was just disappointing.

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American remakes are a complete insult to Asian originals. Either The ring or The ring 2, they do not compare at all to Ringu or Ringu 2 which include mystery, dark atmospheres and a whole different perception.

The Ring 2 was a complete catastrophe in my opinion, even worse than The Ring which was ok (and " ok" is still not really amazing when concerned with a myth). The symbols change, Samara has an addiction to new animals, the horses disappear, and the water adds a lot of sci-fi effects and decreases all mystery.

The sequel honestly has no point, we cannot even understand the link between the 2 movies as it is practically non existant. Samara's goal changes too. This movie just gets us to cliche, basically very boring hollywood scenes that are of no point, i.e. the needle scene in the hospital, the animals getting crazy around the car, the stupid park scene... Still, it holds for the very last scene, amazingly done and conceived! The last scene of the Ring 2 reminds us of the feeling we are supposed to have when watching a Ring movie. It is jst spectacular... I know I watched ONLY this scene more than 10 times already..

But watch the Asian originals first, always!


Ring 2(USA), i think Ringu 2(j) is actually the worst Ring movie of the then entire series(but i havent seen Rasen or Ring Virus), i just watched it last night. Could´ve been way better.




The Ring 2 was crap from begging to finish, bad performances and a weak plot! A fast food american movie!

Ringu 2 help the audience to understand a bit more and is a good sequel to part II.


The Ring 2 was fantastic in my opinion, it was a great continuation of the story.

I guess we aren't involving taste here LOL


Ringu 2 kicks The rings ass.
The ring 2 made me want to shoot myself.


I saw Ringu 2 before Ringu and I thought it was an excellent film, which really scared me! I rented Ringu, Ringu 2 then Ringu 0 and watched them all with my friend. What can I say? Very few films freak me out but I won't be watching these again they are so disturbing!!! Haven't seen the American remakes, nor possess any real desire to do so. Why they can't just release the originals is beyond me or are Western audiences too thick to read subtitles? Lol.


The ring 2 made me want to shoot myself

After seven days? :O

How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask, or angry...or ready for dessert


The best is Ringu 2 because the japanese invented Ring first then the Americans took over their crap!

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***RINGU 2*** (Directed by Hideo Nakata)
(Although 'Rasen' was the sequel based on the book, Hideo Nakata went for an alternate story for 'Ringu 2').
Pretty good. Not as good as Ringu, but worth a watch. I find Ringu 2 is more of an informative movie to let you know what happened after the first one, rather than a horror. There are some jumpy bits, though (Sada-chan on the window sill :S!!).
Overall, definitely worth watching. Has a cute J-Pop song at the end. 8/10

***THE RING 2*** (Directed by Hideo Nakata)
No where near as good as Ringu 2, to be honest. Hideo Nakata directed this one too but his original was far better. Although if you are looking for something scarier than 'Ringu 2', watch this movie (completely terrified of the Samara effects in the film. 'The Ring' and 'The Ring 2' always scares me more than the Japanese one, although I prefer the Jap ones). This one was a lot mroe of a horror than 'Ringu 2' was.
But I think the main problem is the fact that Hollywood is continuously trying to remake classic Jap horrors. 'Ringu'. 'Ju-On'. And now 'Kairo' (I saw the trailer for the remake, it looked sucky)! LEAVE THEM ALONE!
Overall, worth a watch, some good effects and some scary scenes, but you need to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to understand any of it and is no where near as clever as its Japanese original. 6/10

** << the diary of Sadako (my LiveJournal)**


I disagree with you, The japanese versions are definitely better and scarier than the American ones!

The Centurions PowerXtreme 1986 on DVD at:


At times on this thread it was hard to tell which movies were being referred to. I don't know why IMDb translated Ringu into Ring. No one would look the movie up under its English translation. Or at least listing it in that form is confusing.

"Extremism in the pursuit of moderation is no vice."


<<At times on this thread it was hard to tell which movies were being referred to. I don't know why IMDb translated Ringu into Ring. No one would look the movie up under its English translation. Or at least listing it in that form is confusing. >>

I think that when folks here are referring to the American versions they add the "the" before the title (ex. THE Ring). Without the "the", I believe the reference is to the Japanese version (ex. Ring).

Personally I prefer to use "Ring" (with or without the "the") and "Ring 2" for the American versions and "Ringu" and "Ringu 2" for the Japanese ones.

But that's just me.
