MovieChat Forums > Ringu 2 (1999) Discussion > Why did Mai Takano survive?

Why did Mai Takano survive?

In the end when Mai is climbing out of the well Sadako asks her why she survived.
Does anyone have the answer to that question, because I really didn't understand what happened.


because she COPIED THE TAPE.


I beg to differ here. At no stage does Mai copy the tape. I am not so sure that she watches the video all the way through which may be a possible answer. However, we do not get to see Mai seven days after the events in the swimming pool, so there is no way that we know for sure that she does survive the curse.


Well, she's supposed to get pregnant and rebirth Sadako from watching the tape, so I was trying to find the closest moment to that in this movie... unless I can get Rasen/Spiral somehow again without going on Facebook...


To go into obscurity, there was a relationship between Ryuji and Sadako that was deeper in the book than in the first movie that's pointed out in Ringworld. Personally I think it was his want and need for them to escape the curse and Sadako's own blessing in a way... her ghost even asks, "Why are you the only one to escape" but still lets Mai go. But that's a really cheesy answer and I'm sure there's a better one.



I'd love to see rasen. I've read the first book and eagerly await the transation of rasen.
In rasen Mai Takano actually gives birth to Sadako! i would have loved to see Nakata direct that one.


next time dont make threads with huge ass spoilers stating "WHY DID MAI TAKYAMA DIE" in the thread title. Im trying to look for background character infomation since the japanese names are confusing and all i come across are a bunch of spoilers

Just dont post spoilers in the thread title of all places. Is that to much to ask?



it's 'Mai Takano Survive'.... NOT 'Mai Takyama Die' ... so erm.. apparently even if someone DID post huge spoilers on the thread title... you'd still get it wrong anyways... no harm done!


She survived because she copied the tape and showed someone else so she is passing her curse on to another. Thats how the curse keeps getting passed on because I know that if I watched that tape I show someone t and then they would show someone else. The father (dont know name, the pshycic one) does not show anyone so the curse is still on him..

Hope this helps

"Monsters in our world are scared of something to"


...Or maybe Mai is saved, and Yoichi isn't?!
Remember Reiko's dad saying (in the truck accident scene) that Yoichi is "not Yoichi anymore".

That's at least how it sounds from the danish subtitles (Sadako looking at Mai in the well and asking "why are you the only one to be saved").


Am I the only one who believes that Mai survived because she NEVER WATCHED THE VIDEO IN FULL? She saw bits of it every now and then, but she never actually saw the entire film, starting from some kind of "moon", all the way up to Sadako appearing from the well.


but masami and okizaki never saw the tape but they still ended up being hospitalized. i think there's more to it than that.

I will s**t down scorpions of pain upon thee!


Masami saw Sadako. If that wouldn't put you in a hospital...

And Okazaki was tormented by Kanae's vengeful ghost, which put him in the hospital


Who's to say Mai won't go nuts in a few months time. In my head, in any Ring 3, I'd see her in the mental hospital. Ooooo! Maybe she'll get haunted by Reiko ^_^


Miyazaki Forum -


lol, you only say that because you've got it in for mai sophie lou. i must admit i wouldn't mind seeing mai suffer a bit though, teehee.

(Boro_Fan_Brad, i'm well aware what did happen to them thanks.)

I will s**t down scorpions of pain upon thee!


It would make good watching in my mind, to see Mai end up like all the others and be in the mental hospital with Reiko haunting her. We could get a new hero in to help Yoichi counter the Sadako ghosts and set them free or something...

I don't know, I'm not bouncing with ideas today.


Shooting Stars [HMC Site] -


No you're not. I think that's exactly why Mai was okay. She never saw the video all the way through. The farthest she got was towel-head. I think Sadako was talking to Yoichi in particular at the end.

'Why were you the only one saved?' makes sense if you say it's Yoichi. After all, Ryuji had just taken Yoichi's fear away, thus saving him from Sadako taking him over.


Miyazaki Forum -


"Am I the only one who believes that Mai survived because she NEVER WATCHED THE VIDEO IN FULL? She saw bits of it every now and then, but she never actually saw the entire film,"

No, you're not the only one because that *is* the reason she survived, hence Sadako's confusion that she was able to survive. Mai was involved in the whole video ring/horror story because she was involved/loved/respected her professor/mentor/lover and that's why she followed the story in order to investigate what happened. Everyone else that has been so involved with the video and Sadako had seen the video and become part of the curse. Since Mai never watched the video herself and had the good sense to turn away/or break the television when the video (without the tape, no less!) played in the mental ward and in the lab instead of sitting there watching it and wondering what was happening like everyone else. The other answer to Mai surviving (in addition to NEVER watching the tape) is that the professor (perhaps his love and respect for her allowed him to come back from the "other world"?) aided her escape- told her to climb up the rope and not look back. (Did anyone get a total "pillar of salt" vibe when she looked back and saw Sadako crawling up after her? Shouldn't have looked back...)

"but masami and okizaki never saw the tape but they still ended up being hospitalized. i think there's more to it than that. "

But what happened to them? Masami saw Sadako kill her friend right in front of her. So...if watching your best friend get killed by a supernatural entity that crawls out of televisions isn't enough to make you lose your marbles, the extra added bonus of that fear that it caused ('s really the "fear" that keeps the ring intact- the video is just a conduit), as that fear carries its own energy and since Masami is now afraid of Sadako even though she's never seen the video herself it is enough latent energy to carry the curse through her. I think Okazaki ended up hospitalized because he lied about seeing the video to Kanae who only got the video because he asked her to obtain a copy for him...then she watched it even though she admitted she was too afraid to watch it when he originally interviewed her. She gave him the video with the express request that he watch the video in order to save her from what would happen after "seven days". This too after he noticed while watching the footage of his interview with her that for a split second she actually morphed into Sadako... I think Kanae's fear having been so great, being falsely reassured that she wouldn't suffer the same fate as the others, and then still befalling the same horrific death at the surreal hands of Sadako- would create some vengeful feelings in her spirit- that on top of that fear. So Kanae's fear + vengence = big trouble for Okazaki. Bottom line- he shouldn't have lied about watching it and making Kanae believe that she was safe when she wasn't.


In rasen Mai Takano actually gives birth to Sadako! i would have loved to see Nakata direct that one.

Arrrgg...don't cross-spoil!! Some of us haven't seen Rasen yet.


I know spoilers are against IMDb rules, but I think they're probably almost unavoidable. How do you have an intelligent conversation about movies without ever revealing anything about their plots? If the most important thing to you is not reading any spoilers, you probably shouldn't read these boards.

"Extremism in the pursuit of moderation is no vice."


ringu 3 isnt a follow up, it one of those films thats before the 1st film and explains everything you dont get, you know what i mean?



well its called
ringu O.
its ok but i think that the other two are better, it aint to shabby though.


interestingly there are three books. the second is called rasen (trans: spiral) and the third is called loop. the second book was made into a film but it flopped so they asked the makers of ring(u) to return and make an original sequel. they have never made a film of loop (which covers similar ground to the matrix(!!) so probably never will) but they did make the prequel, Ring(u)0:birthday, based on one of three short stories by the original writer. the short story in question is called lemonheart.

I will s**t down scorpions of pain upon thee!


Maybe it's just me, but I guess Sadako was actually talking to Youichi, since he also got the "bakemono" supah-powers. So why is he going to live, while she has to spend the rest of eternity in that well?


I felt like Yoichi was the one she was talking to cause Yoichi was the one who is really saved and survived the curse while both his mother and father died under some form of influence of Sadako. It's also interesting cause you wonder... Did that mean that Ryuji saved Yoichi for the better so there will be no more killing or is it because Ryuji and Yoichi have made it so the curse will go on as their family's curse rather then Sadako's curse?

The fact that we see Kaene at the end makes you wonder more. Is Yoichi to be the next Sadako?


Shooting Stars [HMC Site] -



She said that because her and Yoichi made alive and they watched the tape.Simple.


I think it's because Yoichi's father took his or both of there fears away, Sadako is probably like the boogeyman and survives on it, least that's what I think..

" Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed "


Mai both had the foresight to never watch THE tape, and only saw bits of the cursed imagery and then looked away in time; and she also had some fledgling psychic powers, which is why she worked out so well in her relationship with Ryuji.

Never watching the full video means she never got cursed/infected.

And having those psychic powers probably helped her to defend herself.
