MovieChat Forums > Ringu 2 (1999) Discussion > More Asian Horror Movies

More Asian Horror Movies

Can anybody give me some other good asian horror movie titles. So far i have seen Ringu (1,2,0,spiral), Dark Water and The Eye.



I can't find those 2 films at kazaa or soulseek (here in Belgium i can't find much asian horror movies, all i've found and bought was the whole Ringu collection and Kakari). Can you give me other movies that i can find in either Kazaa or Soulseek.



I'm downloading both movies right now with edonkey. I think I will have it for friday. Thanx for the suggestion and for letting me know where i can find it.




'A Tale of Two Sisters' is also called 'Janghwa, Hongryeon'.




Uzumaki (Japan) is supposed to be good. Also, try The Eye, The Eye 2, (both Hong Kong, not as scary as some, but sweet-natured in a way; still recommended) Reincarnation (better than most) and Marebito (seriously weird, but worth a shot; both Japan, both Takashi Shimizu) and The Host (South Korea, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED). Cinderella (forget what country) has been compared to Dark Water, DW being the more preferred of the two, but it's definitely worth a shot. Just to rattle off some more titles (haven't seen them, so don't know if they're any good): Carved (crazy ghost lady attacks children with scissors), Unborn But Forgotten, Wishing Stairs, Whispering Corridors, Shutter, The Maid, Dorm, Ghost of Mae Nak.

I think, therefore I am a grapefruit.


Until and unless you see SHUTTER, ALONE, and Ju-On Series you are losing out a lot as far as Asian Horrors are watch these for sure!

