MovieChat Forums > Ringu 2 (1999) Discussion > Stand out frightening scenes.

Stand out frightening scenes.

My girlfriend cringed up against me during the following;

A lot of people have mentioned the tape erasing scene. Yes. There's something deeply unsettling about the way sadako (looking different albeit it.) reaches towards the screen.

The part where she climbs rapidly up the well also seemed to really freak her out

The telly going sparko in the asylum.

Sadako peering around the corner in her old house.

All the above scenes are frightening, merely because we are still so unsettled from Sadako climbing out the telly at the end of the first film; we know what she embodies

Which brings me to the only moment that made me shudder. When we see the beginning of Ringu from that different angle. Sadako walking past the door and slowly turning her lank haired head towards the camera.

JEEEZZ that's an unsettling scene!

But there is too much half hearted mumbo jumbo after that...


"Police!!! Help me!!! Doughnut munching morons!!"


The tape erasing scene could have been so much better..... I won't go in to details.



I think I colour it a little with memory... I remeber being dissapointed at the time that they had taken a lot of the fright out of Sadako's image, i.e no roling eye, she was quite healthy looking etc... But if you suspend disbelief, that scene is still eerie.



i think that some of the moments in Ring2 were S-C-A-R-Y!

the tape erasing is definitely up there. i love that its so lo-fi but really effective.
Do you mean Shizuko looking round the door? if so Definitely!!
The scene where you see what... erm, is she called Masami? (tomoko's friend) what drove her mad!
and the bit that really stayed with me was the girl laughing behind his back at the end! spooky!




The door scene, that is what I meant.

As you say, the scene with Tomoko's friend is a stand out 'un. To me that scene really taps into the vein of what made Ringu so frightening... the flickering light of the television, the lank hair over the face... cack our pants, we almost did...

Well not really. But I would dare anyone to watch that scene then so and stay in a secluded house by themselves... I bet that would be the scene that kept coming back...

"Police!!! Help me!!! Doughnut munching morons!!"


yes totally agree! i think i'll watch Ring2 again tonight. it's weird that seeing sadako not from the POV of the cursed one but someone else was pretty much as scary as the end of the first film.



What is the tape erasing scene? I've seen this movie twice, and I don't know what this refers to.

For me, the three most scary scenes were:
1. When the reporter keeps rewinding the Kanae interview and it takes a life of its own (is this the "tape erasing" scene?)
2. "But you're dead!" at the old Yamamura family inn, and Shizuko backing up slowing, at a diagonal, gapemouthed at the camera. Then Boo!
3. Sadako shimmying up the well. I squealed like a pig at that scene.


yes, the kanae intereview scene is what i was referring to. he was trying to record static over the interview.
The bit with sadako in the well was creepy but using the plasticine face kinda ruined it for me, especially when she spoke. That remeinds me, anyone got any theories on what sadko meant when she asked 'why were you the only one saved?' (or words to that effect)

Personally i didn't really think about it too much until i read the Rasen Manga (i'm still waiting for the novel to be translated) where we find out that in the original sequel Mai 'gave birth' to sadako. i think that in the film her looking after yoichi was something similar. in that yoichi took on much of sadako's power and mai was 'mothering' him.
this is just something that occurred to me so i'd like to hear anyone else's theories...

(i'll make a thread of this question)



I like the scene where the forensic patholigists were trying to photograph the clay head, however in every attempt the camaras flash made the head appear creepy and strange. It was a really understated scene but nice and effective.


The freakiest scene here, and in the entire trilogy in my opinion, is where Shizuko slowly moves towards the door and appears at the corner. You know she's there, but it's damn freaky!

~Give us some lyrics, you famous lyricist~


Agreed, the standout scene in the first movie was Sadako crawling out the TV at the end, I saw that movie long before the crappy American version was even thought of and it scared the hell out of me, in this movie the scariest bit SHOULD be Sadako crawling up the well at the end, but for me it was Shizuko sliding off behind the door then popping back out again, sends shivers up my spine
