MovieChat Forums > Ringu 2 (1999) Discussion > Pal Versions with English Subtitles

Pal Versions with English Subtitles

I was wondering if anyone has the PAL versions on DVD. I just want to know if they are subtitled in English. I was thinking of getting them, but if they speak Japanese, well then theres no sense because i don't understand Japanese.

thank you.
(this message has also been posted in IMBd Boards: Ring, Ringu, Ringu 2, Ringu 0)



They are available, i got mine from MVC in the UK


I have an australian region 0, PAL version with "forced" english subtitles...
I saw it yesterday and enjoyed it! It may be a bit hard to find though, I stumbeled over it in sweden...


I have Ringu and Ringu 2 PAL from HMV and they have subtitles

reply you can buy the ring cycle (ringu 1, 2, 0) for £25 i got it, and they're all subtitled.
