MovieChat Forums > Antitrust (2001) Discussion > Major Plot Hole in the movie...

Major Plot Hole in the movie...

okay it doesn't make sense how Alice (Claire Forlani) was working with Gary (Tim Robbins) all the time...

i mean Milo knew Alice before he started working with Gary...

it doesn't make sense that Gary would have planted Alice before Milo even agreed to work with Gary's company...

and how could she have faked for so long, without really liking Milo, i mean that's just pure evil...

also why would Lisa help out Milo, and then turn on him at the very end, makes no sense at all...

that's a major plothole there...

also can someone explain those files he looked at where he saw himself in the hospital cuz of the allergic reaction.... was he looking at his own future that Gary wanted to do to him, or was that something in his past that Gary knew about???


Gary could have planted Alice because he was one of the best programmers in college, (he most definetely planted her in college because alice was an idiot, and couldn't have gotten in without gary), lisa is a wierdo, and yes, those files were from milo's past.



its not a plot hole. thats the point. how planned and strategic gary was. he knew everything about everyone of his employees and competitors.

and lisa wasn't really helping him. she was helping gary keep milo motivated to complete the project asap.

alice did like milo. thats why towards the end she says "it wasn't all fake" or something of the sort.

the files were obviously from milo's past as you can not have video footage of the future....


I thought of the exact same thing, but I figured it was possible that Gary planted Alice there before he even made contact.


once Clare's charecter had seen what this had done to Milo she realized that it meant nothing compared to her and Milo's realtionship. She realized that Synapse wasn't worth it.

"Dream like you'll live forever, but know you'll die tomarrow"


But what really bothered me was how alice/rebecca was able to get away scot free. even though she decided to bail out in the end, the fact remains she was still a key member of the conspiracy. i mean, we're talking murder here!


reply analysis as a semi-law student.

I imagine that Alice would have been charged only for being a conspirator. If the movie plays out the way I think it does, because she was willing to testify against Gary and co. there was a plea bargain. Also, the scene in the car could have possibly been after she made bail and before her trial. And she didn't actually physically murder anyone.

What Would Leatherface Do?


That chick never murdered, nor did she have any part in the murdering of anyone. She also had plausible deniability: she could have easily and believably denied any knowlege of murder and said she thought NURV just kept very close watch on a couple of people. She could not have denied knowlege of surveillance--but what is that? Accessory to a peeping Tom?

I'm pretty sure she could get off scott free because really, she did nothing wrong. Morally, maybe she's toeing the line; legally, well I'm pretty sure there's no law against being a manipulative bitch. If so, then I have a couple of ex-girlfriends to report. Essentially, she was a corporate spy, that's all. I used to work at a small grocery store where occasionally they would send people out to the major chain grocery stores in the area and get the prices on meats and produce and stuff. If I were her lawyer, I'd liken that to the same thing.

She could run into some trouble with her record being wrongly expunged, but it's hard to reverse those things. And again, any wrong-doing was not done by her, it would be the cops and lawyers taking back-ends from NURV.

I'm pretty sure she was innocent of any crime.


This post is to explain about the pictures of him in the hospital. I think it is before that scene, when they are getting ready to go to Gary's for the party that night. Milo is trying to find scissors to cut the tag off of his tux. He is going through Alice's craft box and finds a small bag of sesame seeds. He looks shocked and nervous. Now, he is looking at his past. An allergy test that he had done revealed that he was deathly allergic to sesame seeds. I'm assuming that they did this little part to show is shock to find the seeds, rather than saying "Hey, I'm allergic to sesame seeds." So later he comes home to find Alice cooking when she never cooks. He gets scared, after discovering her true identity, and runs upstairs to try and find the seeds, but they are gone.

Ok, I'll stop there. I don't want to ruin anything else for those that haven't seen the movie yet. Sorry for this being so long. I hope this helps you.


Well, they'd actually established it after he'd moved to the town. Alice and he went to a restaurant after Winston had freaked out. He was talking about the whole situation and idly picked up a roll. He was about to take a bite out of it when Alice stopped him, mentioning the sesame seeds. It was a subtle way to approach it. The whole "gun on the wall" segment. At the beginning of the movie they set up a lot of what happened, which you notice after seeing it a couple times.

Also, they did show a flashback where he was in an ambulance, with a face mask being put on.

That's the only thing I don't like about this movie - is that when Milo starts getting paranoid, they point everything out obviously with flashbacks and multiple back and forth zooms (such as ND47) instead of allowing the viewer to pick up on it. Of course, as we can see here, people still seemed to miss such actions.


"also why would Lisa help out Milo, and then turn on him at the very end, makes no sense at all..."

To get the codes for Synapse finished, to keep him fucused on finishing the codes even if he wanted to bring down NURV. She was the one who suggested that they would use Synapse to broadcast their message. I all makes sense. *** out of **** in my book.


Nah - I don't think there were any plot holes - I thought it was a good movie!

1. Gary planted Alice in Milo's life when they were in college because Milo was already a computer genius (he's won that award) and Mark had his eye on him. She was there as a way to manipulate Milo (remember her advice about how to manipulate at the beginning?) to eventually joining the company.

2. Lisa was clearly 'helping' Milo so that he's have the drive to solve the compression problem before deadline.

3. Alice had a semi-happy ending (she said she'd face the consequences of her actions so for all we know she might end up in jail, though personally I think she was going to make a run for it - hence why we saw her packing all her stuff)But I think that she was blackmailed/heavily persauded into helping (her file suggested she was reluctant to co-operate at first) and I don't think she knew that Teddy would be killed.

4. The hospital footage was just Milo's past medical records - showing that, like Big Brother, NURV are "watching you" and know everything about their employees. Also it helped explain his allergy and how it can be tested (cutting your arm and rubbing seeds onto it - which he trys later)



has anybody else thought of this POSSIBILITY?
when milo finds his own file and sees the video, and u see alice in the ambulance with him
maybe it was when they were first going out and she gave him the sesame seeds and he had his reaction and she stood by his side to make him trust her more.
i dunno, im jsut throing it out there cuz i am questioning that he could trust he so much with them only being together for a short period of time

seriously tho, how could gary plant these "girls" not many programmers have girlfriends..or would believe that "claire forlani" is talkign to them
i know if u look like ryan phillipe youd believe it, but not many programmers do



If you notice at the beggining of the movie she is the one who persuades a friend of his to "force" him get the job.


First off, Alice had a criminal record. It glazed over it on the screens when he was finding stuff out. Alice got manipulated into doing it to expunge her record. I don't believe she knew about the murder. Her task was to get Milo to accept the job. That was all she was told. I think she had grown to love Milo and like his friends. That is why she seemed genuinely upset when Teddy was killed.

Regarding Lisa, Lisa was always questionable. She manipulated Milo when she found out Milo knew about her past. She used that to gain his trust, which is more twisted now that I think about it and typing it, than I had initially thought. Everything she did to "help" Milo only had to do with helping Gary.

Alice finally got tired of Nurv's *beep* with the constant surveillance of a guy she had grown to love. This is obvious when she called the guy a prick. She made the legitimate dinner because she wanted to show Milo she really loved him. When Milo made it clear he knew who she was, she confessed (although not verbally shown and that was when she made the full-fledged decision to help Milo). There was also more hints that she loved Milo when they first got the house. When he kept going off about Gary, while she was talking about the house, that upset her. That is why she walked around to look at him. If she was fully aware of everything going on at Nurv and didn't really love Milo she wouldn't have been offended there.

Also I believe it was made clear on the newscast at the end with the pictures shown that Lisa was actually arrested. Alice was not arrested because she really didn't know about the illegal stuff because she was on a need to know basis and they felt that was something she didn't need to know.

Alice called Nurv and told them that Milo had left the facility. It was the plan to get them to leave the facility so Larry and the Security Guy to get the computer stuff setup in Sector 21. It was a diversion that Milo played very well. I also don't think he fully trusted Lisa as he is upset as Lisa pulls the cord out but I believe part of that was acting to make it believe that he had been screwed out of screwing over NURV when in truth he hadn't. He had to play it that way so it was believable and keep Gary and company occupied while Larry did what he had to do to break through. I believe Milo and company getting caught at the broadcasting center was planned. It was also used to keep Lisa under control as she thought it was all over too.


alice = crafty.

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!
