MovieChat Forums > Antitrust (2001) Discussion > How does Gary Winston justify charging a...

How does Gary Winston justify charging a price for software?

Asking question for a friend....


HAHA, this cracks me up unbelievably, I happened to receive the same set of question from my computer science teacher after viewing this movie in class, one of which is well, take a guess - 'How does Gary Winston justify charging a price for software? - word for word.

Anyway, to answer that question, I'd just say that Gary Winston is obviously on the side for charging for software. He's businessman, the software world is his field of business, besides charging for it, what else should he do?


b/c he's gary winston!

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


Why, oh why on earth should software be open source or even free ?!? Only because some anarchical lefties came up with that idea ?

Why not make every intellectual work public? Every mechanical engineering blueprint, every circuit design, every (insert your favourite stuff here) ?
Do that and there will be almost no companies left to employ people and have them earn their livings.
Man is not good. Man is not altruistic. It just doesn't work. As the NURV boss said, if you open source your stuff and just try to live on tech support fees, sooner or later someone will grab your code, modify it, non-disclose it and make the big buck from it. That's how the world works. That's why real intellectual property needs to be protected.

The discussion has to be differentiated. There's the issue of open source (which does not really hold as a business model for companies that need to make a living) and the issue of monopolism. Monopolism is something that has to be countered. Starting a crusade for open source is just propagating software communism.


thank you Bill Gates


People spend time and R&D working on software, whether they be operating systems, applications, or video games, and they deserve to be paid for their work, that is why Gary Winston can justify charging a price for software.

Open source for the NURV operating system would be like Microsoft Windows going open source, and that would spell total anarchy in the desktop & laptop world. Microsoft brought order to computers decades ago, getting 90 to 95% of the worlds computers running the same operating system, and without that order technology would probably be many years behind.
