MovieChat Forums > Antitrust (2001) Discussion > silliness from start to finish *some spo...

silliness from start to finish *some spoilers*

This film was lame. Not so much plot holes, but here are some of the details that sort of ruined the film for me.

-The character "teddy" was so ridiculous that I was glad to see him clubbed to death, only wish that the scene was more graphic! Not sure whether it was bad acting or bad scripting.

-The bit where teddy defends open-source by claiming that Aspirin belongs to the people! FACT: Aspirin invented over 100 years ago by German company Bayer. Trademark is still owned by Bayer, but the patent ran out a long time ago.. But thats just the way patents work, for a while Bayer was allowed to be the only company to manufacture Aspirin.. Not a good example of OpenSource. If anything, its an argument to defend patents.

-Furthermore the whole bias toward Opensource was somewhat ill-conceived. Sure it has its benefits, but the movie didn't exactly present a balanced argument. But I guess the filmmakers are entitled to their opinions.

-Obviously this company is meant to be Microsoft.. But if Microsoft were to do something similar in real life, would they really use two goons resembling Bill & Ted to go around doing all the dirty work? I would expect more proffesionalism.

-The server that was in the daycare centre... Why would they keep the backup right next to the original!? Surely in case of fire it should be much further away!

-Why is there absolutely no security on the computers in the daycare centre? Obviously the stuff in there is top secret!? Perhaps our hero is a good hacker (possible) but even so he didn't appear to actually "hack in". Furthermore, why does there need to be a stupid "secret" satellite dish? Any idiot knows that there could be a computer in any building still using the regular dishes on building 21.

-All movies of this type seem to suffer from the fact that the computer interfaces look nothing like real life. For example, that ridiculous satellite control centre in Gary's office. With IP addresses oddly listed there in a window for no apparent reason. Followed by a strange scene where Gary then needs to manually enter the IP addresses in order to shutdown the satellites (all that scene is done for the sake of DRAMA, but I'd rather have drama AND realism).

I am somewhat ashamed that the director was British (although he is ManUtd supporter which would explain a lot). Plus this film could almost be described as "star studded"! How did they manage to convince Tim Robbins, Rachael Leigh-Cook, Ryan Phillippe and Claire Forlani to appear in it!??

The list is endless, please add your own observations, this film is riddled with crappy scenes. Correct me if I'm wrong about any of the above.

btw, did anyone else watch it on Channel5 last night? What a waste of time it was, made even longer by numerous ad breaks.




-All movies of this type seem to suffer from the fact that the computer interfaces look nothing like real life. For example, that ridiculous satellite control centre in Gary's office. With IP addresses oddly listed there in a window for no apparent reason. Followed by a strange scene where Gary then needs to manually enter the IP addresses in order to shutdown the satellites (all that scene is done for the sake of DRAMA, but I'd rather have drama AND realism).

Erm, the last time I checked, GNOME Desktop Environment was being used in real life. Just because the interface doesnt look like Windows, doesn't mean it isnt real. Apparently it implys that they were filming on a UNIX or Linux system.

The IP addresses listed in the window actually do have a purpose. They are the IP addresses for each satellite (its a Class A subnet, implying a private network, ala Synapse). That gives you the realism of it, but the scene with the manual entry is of course for Drama, but I'd have prefered that to him just copying and pasting it. :P



> Just because the interface doesnt look like Windows, doesn't mean it isnt
> real. Apparently it implys that they were filming on a UNIX or Linux system.

Nobody said that.

> The IP addresses listed in the window actually do have a purpose.

I'm sure the original poster know that IP addresses has a purpose in this movie.

The Purpose of Life is to End


Hey! Couldn't agree more! I was also wondering why they need to manually enter the IP addresses! It just for the sake of drama and it is one of the many mistakes that ruined this movie.

Also here are some more!

- Chin asked why the company cannot become Open-source and I think Gary replied "what programmers will eat with" (not an exact quote) and Chin got no argument whatsoever and just said "come on"

- At mid point after Chin was murdered, he came back to the house and go into the closet and Bingo! He found the camera. It's like he knew which shirt it was attached from the start.

- If corporations want to get other people code (particularly from Open-source community), they don't have to go into the open-source programmers' house and kill them. They can download it off the net. This alone made this movie pointless.

- At the end, why Gary doesn't shut all the satellites down when he knows a hacker is using them to betray him?

- Another thing is even after Milo is transmitting the video; Gary can still shut the satellites down!

- Mistakes and plot holes in this movie are endless!

- and what about the 100% biased towards open-source; with "no matter what, open-source is the good guy" attitude?

Sure it has some memorable quotes and ideas about real life computer science. But that didn't save the movie!

The Purpose of Life is to End


"- At mid point after Chin was murdered, he came back to the house and go into the closet and Bingo! He found the camera. It's like he knew which shirt it was attached from the start."

I disagree with you. He found the optical fiber when he picked up the thumbtack. He kept it in his pocket and when he realised that his friend was spyed on, he remembered that piece of cable.


They also killed them because they didn't want the competition from open-sourcers.

And Gary does try to shut down the satellites, Milo just gets to one of them first.

Of course they're biased towards open-source, you've got to have the bad guy and the good guy in this type of movie. That was the point, going against the big corporations.

And how about you all stop picking apart movies and just enjoy them for what they are? JUST A MOVIE!!!!!!

Out here in the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we are stone, immaculate.


In the sack of security, some interfaces dont let you past data into certain forms GUI's

The Cerrembella was stored in the daycare centre with moderate security why??
because noone would ever suspect it.

If someone hid a billion dollars in the sewer out the front of a bank.
you had explosive and very little expectation of being caught

where is you first guess the money will be?
the sewer or the heavily guarded bank inside a bomb proof vault??

The backup shouldnt have been so much labelled it was more so a Raid, write 2 Hard disks at same time with same thing.

it just said backup so non computer people could follow with out the character going, omg look theres the mirrored data.

Teddy's comments doesnt defend patents , he critised them
deeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr What do you think open source is.

He wanted the entire chemical compound of life saving drugs released as soon as they are discovered. to help people.
say the cure for throat cancer is discovered today the company can charge 1 billion dollars per person treated. while simultaneously not improving it (adapting it further).
in 50 years when the patent expires everyone has access to it suddenly within a year there is a cancer sure for every type of cancer known.
WHAT A WASTE that result could have been achieved 40 something years earlier to help mankind!!!
And companies do do that Microsoft irronically is a prime example they make upteen million dollars of Internet Explorer and just abandoned it.

If it was used to help the people rather then make a trillion dollars it could potentially have cured the world and maybe irraticated cancer,
but instead only billionarres can afford it,
and used patchily over 50 years results immunities could appear to drugs. and then be ineffective.

Companies both pursue the same target do seperate research and come up with the same result with 1 being a waste of resources.

The point of the movie is some businesses will go to anylength to succeed, steal, coverup lie deceive. it wasnt so much specific to computers.
Such stories have been rumoured in Science and Medical discoveries in the past also.

And the GUI were you saying it's not real because??? it's not Microsoft software?? um wow lol MS probably would have sued the crap outta the producers of this for damages if there made a direct connection between MS and the fictional company in this.

Carlos Powered By mozilla Firefox
IExplorer is scrap


Obviously people on this thread know a hell of alot more about computers than I do. And I am impressed. Some of those words I don't even know the meaning of. But I agree that this movie was lame. I just thought the story line was not well thought out and just sort of tossed together. And now that I read the previous posts from people who clearly know something about the computer world it is more clear this movie was just thrown together. I guess to some people who don't know alot about computers this movie was intense but even me, having the elementary knowledge of PC's I do, thought that alot seemed out of place and unreal.

Also, seemed a bit cliche too me on some levels. And how come all the actors didn't look any older than 17 at the most? That really got on my nerves. I had a hard time taking them seriously as computer programmers


Also, seemed a bit cliche too me on some levels. And how come all the actors didn't look any older than 17 at the most? That really got on my nerves. I ad a hard time taking them seriously as computer programmers

please remember that google, yahoo and Microsoft were all founded by people under 21
the entire technology bubble of the nineties was related mainly people under the age of 20

Shaun Fanning the creator of Napster (the first ever MP3 sharing software used by 10million+ people) he was only 17

also see the link at the bottom of my post? Mozilla firefox has been downloaded 10+ times in 21 days
a new age web browser created by a team led by a 18 year old who started developing it when he was 16.

and SASSER worm virus that crippled the worlds Microsoft windows 2000 2003 and XP machines was the work of a 17 year old student.

some teenagers make the best programmers in the world
they have learnt mathematics from the age of 5 and catch on quick.

Carlos Powered By mozilla Firefox
IExplorer is scrap


Well I understand that and know that to be true. But my point was that every person in this movie looked that young, and maybe a coporation would hire people that young, but not every one of their employess would be. I worked for Agilent Technologies and LSI Logic, two major computer and software corporations, and most the people working there were at least in the early 30's if not older.


so ?

some companies like young inspired, energetic and creative people.
and in the case of this movie gullible people.

*/calculated guess says 99% of all gullible people are so because they are young and inexperienced/*

i'm willing to bet thaT yahoo and google etc are still powered by a majority of people in the.20-30yr old bracket.
those over 30 would mostly have grown up with the companies.

Carlos Powered By mozilla Firefox
IExplorer is scrap


Well yeah ok. But they look like they are in their 20's! These kids in this movie didn't look any older then high school sophmores.


That wouldnt happen to have anything to do with the movie circling around a Group of Friends and Open Source community,

a group of friends who happen to be in the same age who would have ever thought that ever happens

Phillipe was young
he was using Open Source projects to make his work known (everyone starts somewhere),
Open Source projects are like a portfolio to some when seeking employment, more so than 10 years ago. (where did a lot of Google and MS get a lot of coders recently? , successful OS projects is one.)

His mate however believed in Freedom of Information and the pride of sharing his work.

Dont forget Google and Yahoo were founded and run by 20 years olds, obviously they'd be in their 30's now.

Carlos Powered By mozilla Firefox
IExplorer is scrap



What the hell is that supposed to mean?


I liked this movie much and even gave it a 10 in voting. But I still want to add one bug here:

When Winston's company was brought down, Milo put all of the codes about Synapse to the web, which was a violation of the companie's rules and a violation of copyright law. The fact that Winston is a criminal doesn't justify anything done against him. Milo, if he did so, should be accused.



I found another Plothole.

Lisa was testing the satts. on building 21... but the plan was never to use those....they're completely defenseless? SHE tested them and since SHE was bad...wouldn't she tell gary..."hey yea i uh helped them test those sats that they are going to use against you at the end of the movie....thought you would like to know"

I guess she forgot about em :P

PS i didn't like how she was bad *Cries*



haha.. this movie was a nice lame. I liked it, it was 4am, I woke up, began watching it, and I watched till the end. It really has a lot of holes, but it is quite entertaining.

One of the most obvious holes in the movie was this one pointed out by XRenzokukenX. Since Lisa was bad, they couldn't show her actually working for the good guy along the movie (unless if Milo was with her in the scene)!!!

But anyway, Tim Robins with a Bill Gates hair cut was very funny.. and all that thing of.. "be creative.. be creative".

That Chin was so annoying!! "open source.. open source"..

I mean, what does he propose? He doesn't propose anything. If the source is to be open, then programers should be employed by the government?? It's the only way I see them getting paid. The thing is that Chin doesn't have a girl. Since Milo has a girl, he's being reminded that he'll, soon or later, have to feed him and his kids..


this movie did have its holes, but i too enjoyed it. I did find myself getting frustrated however that many things did not quite make sense and i didnt think they were that accurate. I think this could have been a great movie if only more time was spent on it.:S


Some of you are worried about the age of the programmers in this movie. That didn't get me as much as how attractive they all are. It's like the bunnies they have hosting Tech TV and pretending to be video-game nerds. Hahaha, yeah right! Also, if you're going to ream this movie for any lack of technical realism, you should go back and watch "Hackers." Anyway, not one of the better movies I've seen lately, but surely not THAT bad! I expected it to be much, MUCH worse.


A hell of a lot of Computer Programmers are quite young. I knew someone at school who dropped out at 16 because he was offered a job programming with a major computer company. He is now 19, runs his own company and makes a *beep* load of money.

Out here in the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we are stone, immaculate.



[How did they manage to convince Tim Robbins, Rachael Leigh-Cook, Ryan Phillippe and Claire Forlani to appear in it!??

Tim Robbins is a flaming liberal, who hates big corporations like any other wacko lefty. So, he was mr evil because it fufilled his real life fantasy to hate the big money man himself, and support the peoples open source left lib "true new commie" code.

Sure Tim Robbins is rich beyond anyone else that is here, even in their wildest imaginations, but then that's what makes liberals so special, their inherent hypocrisy, the do as I say not as I do elite lifestyle. Of course he HAd to be bigshot #1 in the film as well. Only the very top will do for the hypocritical lib like Robbins.

As for the other 3 stars you mentioned, I don't know their politics, but for people like Tim Robbins ( actors with big political agendas ) choosing roles and even writing and directing take on an ideological motive. Tim Robbins is not the only one. Mel Gibson(righty), George Clooney(lefty), etc.


Non of the insiders knew about the final desperate plan with that computer guy and the security guy in building 21, so after they nabbed Milo, they thought they had no more threats.

Remember Milo made 2 CDs without anyone knowing (2 copies i guess) and he was only caught with one.


-The character "teddy" was so ridiculous that I was glad to see him clubbed to death, only wish that the scene was more graphic! Not sure whether it was bad acting or bad scripting

If you mean his (subjective) stupid idealist view of open-sourced, know there really are people like that. And they don't compromise their ideas in order to understand someone wanting to make a living.

-The bit where teddy defends open-source by claiming that Aspirin belongs to the people! FACT: Aspirin invented over 100 years ago by German company Bayer. Trademark is still owned by Bayer, but the patent ran out a long time ago.. But thats just the way patents work, for a while Bayer was allowed to be the only company to manufacture Aspirin.. Not a good example of OpenSource. If anything, its an argument to defend patents.

Actually, I think he meant that Aspirin should have belonged to the world. And because it patented and controlled it hurts the world. I haven't seen the movie in a while, and can't remember that exact part, but based on what you quoted it sounds like a statement against the real world, stating something the way it should be, not the way it is.

-Furthermore the whole bias toward Opensource was somewhat ill-conceived. Sure it has its benefits, but the movie didn't exactly present a balanced argument. But I guess the filmmakers are entitled to their opinions.

I completly agree, and in fact I'm a bit against opensource. But, as far as a movie it does a fine job. I don't need to like sports or play sports to enjoy football movies.

-Obviously this company is meant to be Microsoft.. But if Microsoft were to do something similar in real life, would they really use two goons resembling Bill & Ted to go around doing all the dirty work? I would expect more proffesionalism.

Again, a movie cliche (one I don't like myself) where you always want to put a recognizable face to villains (and their henchmen). Of course there's a connection between Microsoft and Nurv, but I do think Nurv is supposed to be just starting out and basically Microsoft back in the beginning. It would be rich and powerful because of the capital and investment put together, but the dirty deeds would be thought of by Winston and he would probably want as little people to know about them as possible. But I do wish they would have handled it differently.

- How did they manage to convince Tim Robbins, Rachael Leigh-Cook, Ryan Phillippe and Claire Forlani to appear in it!??

First, I don't think it was bad (I quite liked it) but just for your knowledge Claire Forlani is doing "In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale" which looks to compote for title of worst film. Actors follow money and jobs, not even Tom Cruise has complete control over what he does next. And sometimes, a movie may sound great and turn out terrible, and times the opposite happens.
