MovieChat Forums > Antitrust (2001) Discussion > People!!! How Did this AWFUL Movie Get a...

People!!! How Did this AWFUL Movie Get a Rating of a 6???

This movie was so preachy, contrived and predictable! I really cannot believe that anyone would give it over a 4. You people that voted higher do not deserve to be on IMDB.

Welcome to the bottomless pit.


No, we don't deserve to be on IMDB. Only mindless followers who agree with all the other sheep deserve to be here. Then Tom Cruise can be king and some Anorexic blonde can be queen, so long as she does sex scenes eh!

Now go and learn what "opinion" means. Study the word "unique" whilst your at it...



Sorry, dude, but you got the wrong guy. I can't stand Tom Cruise and am not into anorexic blondes in sex scenes. Sounds that I am as "unique" as you - which makes neither one of us unique.

So I guess from your perspective the "opinions" of 5th graders should get as much weight as intelligent and thoughtful adults.

Also, I have a question. Why do you use "whilst" when "while" will do?

Welcome to the bottomless pit.


Why do you use "whilst" when "while" will do?

Why not?


I never saw anything on this website to discourage non-adults from posting their opinions. Although I highly doubt that everyone interested in this film was a child.



Because it is pretentious.

And there is nothing to discourage people like me from waking people up and telling them to GET SMART!

Welcome to the bottomless pit.


Using perfectly good english is pretentious? Guess you're american then.

So, Did it work then??



What a sad state of affairs, as well as unfortunate, that thou incorrectly accused me of being American in such a condescending manner.

Welcome to the bottomless pit.


'nuff said.



And here we have it, folks, the latest entry of "When People With *beep* For Brains Collide."


Great one. Mock people when they've finished arguing xD

Ya wee bollix ye!



I agree, it seems like something that would be on TV as an after-school special or teen entertainment at best.


^- That slime watches "Idol" and considers the imbecilic "Wolf Creek" to be a decent film. Ergo, its IQ is about 5Ah - and that's a generous estimate.


how well does microsoft pay you goon.




