
So who is Tim Robbins really talking to at the end of the film, when we finally see staring out that window in limbo? And more importantly, what was that bit all about?


It was probably just to make it all more interesting and funny,and help to tell the story.I guess charlie didn't know either who tim robbins was talking to...


I thought he was supposed to be talking to God?



Um, he did know what he was doing. We don't know who he was talking to but the point was that we were suppose to assume it was heaven in the beginning and that he is basically testifying in front of god. Everything is white which is - not that I really have to state this - associated with heaven but it's also cold and ghostly. By the end, I'm pretty sure it's a safe bet to say he is really in hell. He's in a room he can't escape from and he is being asked to repeat the story again and probably will have to for eternity (i.e. hell). If Robbins is in hell then I'd think that narrows down for you who could possibly be speaking to him.

You people aren't Santa. You're not even robots! How dare you lie in front of Jesus.


He wasn't talking to anyone, just himself. He was retelling his own story over and over for eternity.
