sadly underappreciated

why didnt people like this movie? any theories as to why people dont like this?


the writing is awesome
the direction is TERRIBLE


Exactly true amudad. The film was made fairly poorly but the writing is of the highest quality. Even though it may not have been made well, the content of this film is better than most films


Be more specific on how it was not "made well."


People don't like this?? Well as of right now, after 9,050 votes it has a 6.3 rating. Thats not too bad for a comedy. I think the problem with the film was the ending and the ultimate purpose of the film was to make a political statement instead of just entertaining the audience. The last 15 minutes of HN was terrible really, I mean, why would Lila go through all that trouble to kidnap Puff and try to make him into an ape again? The whole thing was just ridiculous. And of course the message in the film was "let's get in tune with nature so we can become more enlightened, in fact, let's live with animals and become like them".

It was just poor writing and then we had to deal with the story being told by a dead Tim Robbins which was rather disturbing and plus this gives away the film. I got tired of looking at him with that wound on his forehead. They should have deleted all those scenes, and just have him narrate, it would have improved the film a lot.

Other than this, I thought HN was hysterical. I laughed a lot while watching it, which, at the end of the day, this is what a comedy is supposed to do. Its just that the ending sucked and we really didn't need the political message. Other than that, I think HN is a good movie.


And of course the message in the film was "let's get in tune with nature so we can become more enlightened, in fact, let's live with animals and become like them". []

Did you miss the part where Puff jumped in Gabrielle's car and exclaimed that he needed clothes because he was freezing his ass off as they drove past hitchhiking mice?" That gives the exact opposite message.

The real message of the last scene is that as silly and retarded as our constructed human world may seem, given the choice between animal freedom and human comfort, comfort is a no-brainer. Even the animals would pick it if given the chance.

"So it goes" -Slaughterhouse Five


The dead Tim Robbins character narrating with the wound still visible in his forehead was one of my favorite parts of this quirky black comedy. How could you not like that? His narration lays the foundation for much of the psychological basis for this story without which some other platform would have had to be used to do the same. Very good device IMHO.
