gondry's weakest film.

i love michel gondry. he is one of my favorite directors. Eternal Sunshine is life changing and i thought Science of Sleep and Be Kind were good films. I rented Human Nature with high expectations but i was really bummed out. It didnt feel like a Gondry film.

Does anyone feel the same?



Be Kind Rewind was pretty bad. Human Nature was okay, not great, but better than be kind.



I find it very weak as well, but Be Kind Rewind was pretty weak too. I loved Science of Sleep, so I think a lot more could have been done for the other films as well.


completely disagree actually. of all the films you mentioned, this is my favorite gondry film so far. i thought everything about it was extremely clever. a very absurd comedy, almost as if gondry had directed some monty python skits. i also enjoyed eternal sunshine. not life changing for me though. at least not on my first (and so far only) viewing. the main character in science of sleep irked me too much for me to really enjoy the film. and be kind rewind i also found clever, but i think i only really enjoyed it because of the cast (mos def and jack black). anyway, i still don't see why so many people didn't like this movie.
