MovieChat Forums > The Kid (2000) Discussion > The reason why this did not do well at t...

The reason why this did not do well at the Box Office.

Disney. People automatically assumed that since Disney was involved it would be a syruppy over the top movie that when they left the theatre they wondered why they bothered in the first place. If however Miramax (at the time) or any other major studio put this movie out it would have done a lot better.

Also I loved this movie and have the DVD in my collection. A vastly underrated film in my opinion.


I agree with your observations. This is a great movie. It should have done better at the box office.


I know. I just rewatched this with the family over the weekend. This was a good movie.


I completely agree. Also hurting it is the fact that the word "Disney" is IN the title, which I think was a ridiculously stupid idea. It's really not a typical Disney feel. It's less cheese, more magic. Also, marketing it as a kid's movie is a silly thing to do, since the bulk of the movie revolves around older Russ (Bruce Willis), and not the kid. In fact, the kid doesn't even appear until a half hour into the movie, and is really only there to cause the development of older Russ. Also more adults can relate to Bruce Willis's character than kids could to Rusty.

Overall, it was just one of those movies that was part of a genre but that didn't completely fit the genre, and therefor couldn't be sold well. But, personally, I just bought the DVD recently and I'm 19. I don't really ever buy kids movies and tend to lean towards drama, but this was, plain and simple, a good movie. It's listed as an essential video on, and hopefully the DVD sales have done well.

"Is this a joke? Because if it is, it's both funny and well-executed."


Agreed, if I had seen this movie for the first time as a kid, or even as a teen, I probably would've found it boring.

Thankfully I didn't, and it's one of the best movies out there.

Try "If You Believe" with Hayden Panitierre (sp?) from Heroes; it's the same premise from a female POV.


Well no, I was about 9 when I saw this and I LOVED it

Enjoy your egg whites.


I agree with you, But also I think this was more of an adult movie.
If i was a kid watching this movie i would not be able to really understand what the meaning of this movie was, kids would end up not finishing it,or just be confused.
But as an adult I understand and loved this movie.
I think Bruce Willis was great in it. I really love to see Bruce in kids movies he was also the voice of the dog in Rugrats go wild and I thought that was the funniest part in that movie. Not to mention the voices in Look Whos Talking

( Waaaaaaaaa! Somebody call the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulance!)


Guys, it's very simple - it's a family film.

Enjoy your egg whites.


Guys, it's very simple - it's a family film.

Enjoy your egg whites.


I totally agree! This was one of the BEST films I have ever seen! Spencer Breslin was fantastic as Bruce Willis's 8-year old self! Of course, Bruce was great in this film as well! Producer Stephen Simon mentions this film in his book, The Force is with You: Mystical Movie Messages That Inspire Our Lives.



I Did Not Like This Movie.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


this movie didnt do well @ the box office cause the script was terrible,the actors,director,producer,and every single other position required to film this movie were all ran by stupid people

its that simple



you're either joking or ridiculously ignorant. either way, it was a great movie.




you are a crackpot


I'm not really fussed on the movie, it has some funny moments but I wouldn't watch it again.

"Look, I have good aim. If I really wanted to run him over, I wouldn't have missed"



I hated this movie. A lot.

I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger. -The Joker


you are a crackpot


I agree with all the Positive posts in here and for the 2 or 3 people who came in this thread just to say you didn't like it, Try learning something from the poster people and actually explain why you didn't like it, the way they explained they they did. Now with that said I think this was an amazing movie and agree that had it not been labeled a Kids movie, It would have done well.


Amen, Brother Fred.

Well said.


Unfortunately I did not catch this movie at the cinemas. I picked it up in the video shop a couple of years ago and my children, ages 6 and 12, loved it as did I. It is a wonderful movie for the whole family and one that we have borrowed more than once. There is something for everyone, especially humour. Great acting performances by young Spencer Breslin, Lily Tomlin (wonderful to see her again) and of course Bruce. I wish he could do more movies like this instead of being stuck in the action genre. Don't get me wrong, I love action movies, but they don't give him the opportunity to stretch himself and show his comedic talent.

If you haven't seen it yet, watch it again and again and again and again.........



>>>> and for the 2 or 3 people who came in this thread just to say you didn't like it, Try learning something from the poster people and actually explain why you didn't like it, the way they explained they they did



wow something I said back in 08. Anyway I still stand by what I said.


>>> wow something I said back in 08

apparently, you check the date of each post before you decide whether to respond. bravo. clearly, i'm not as meticulous as you. btw, when does the statute of limitations on post responding expire?

>>> Anyway I still stand by what I said

in other words, you're still bossy. kewl.


Um. when i get email notification about a response I like to see what the person is responding to. and obviously the date is there at the top of the post.

Anyway It's pretty clear that you're just another typical spammer who supports other spammers who post off topic. So nothing really left to discuss here. With you anyway.


It would have appealed to a broader audience if the Porsche were a transformer which changed into a robot which stomped the bullies on the playground. Also better if there were explosions and vampires and car chases and a hot chick in a black leather jump suit with two huge Desert Eagles with silencers. After all, who wants to watch a boring movie with nothing more going for it than an appealing cast who can actually act, some clever script writing, a director who can create camera shots lasting more than two seconds between cuts, and a thought-provoking premise about how we all become who we are as we grow up. Hey!!! wait a minute - Little Rusty became 40-year old Russ, who became 70-yr old Russ, so I guess there was a transformer after all. If we count the pursuit of Rusty on his bicycle, there was a car chase, and we never see Lily Tomlin in direct sunlight, so she counts as a vampire. I guess I did like this movie after all. Cancel the waaambulance and get me another bowl of popcorn, I'm gonna watch this again.



It was undemanding but notjing special hence the average box office.

Its that man again!!


I think the reason it did not do well at the box office was Bruce Willis. People went thinking he would reprise his typical Diehard character. This refreshing channge was a shock for those those who went with this mindset and the word of mouth was bad.
The movie changed my whole opinion of BW. I went back and watched all his movies, and go to anything with him in it.
