
I enjoyed this movie, but I LOVED the house that Russell Duritz lived in. Does anyone know who the "architect" is, and if the house were to be built, how much the cost of it would be?


Man, I completely agree... I've been taking pictures out of the DVD because I want to build that house, is excelent !

Did you find out who's the architect or where can I find the bluprints?

You can write me at



That house? It's a studio stage! (they said on the DVD).
I agree that it could be a very beautiful house.


Well, I'm an architect and live in Indonesia, and just already finished built my sister's house that looks like it.
The cost was a bit higher than everage house here (concrete house), about US$320 per-square meter (US$30/square feet), but.... almost half cost of average timber and g-board house in the States I think.
I don't know the cost when it be built in the states.
Like me to build one for you?


The name of the architech is Garreth Stover. Yes, is a set, but it was designed by this great architech, and constructed as if it were a real house. In fact, they had to build it because they were already shooting in this house, and the neighbours complained, so they had to build it based on the real house. I read that he concieved the house while hearing Philip Glass and watching a picture of Mondrian, very minimalist, indeed.

It matches perfectly the characther of Duritz. It's simple, cold, like a fortress, but a weak fortress, you can easily look the interior of it. There's no personal objects, nothing at all.

Reallly great and well designed, but I imagine it must have been a living hell to shoot in it, with all the reflections that they must have had.


i think the novelty would wear off pretty quickly with a house like that.

