The red bi plane

hey there fellow imbdians
can you guyz tell be why the red biplane keeps comming again and again in the movie and if it symbolises anything.

thanks in advance



I think the red biplane was his future calling to him. He met his future self at the end with the plane. That's what I got out of it. I may be wrong though. Sometimes I miss details in movies and kinda fill in the blanks. I bought this movie and watched it last light fot the first time. I really liked it.



It was his future self and yeah it was his favorite toy but,he was also a pilot in the future. He'd orchastrated the whole thing the meeting between his younger and present self.


Yeah. There's several parts in the movie where they hint like that. The plane was flown by future-Russ. What I got from it was that Russ's mind was finally starting to get tired of the life he was living, and a part of his consciousness was trying to push him back to his childhood. He had always wanted to fly planes when he was younger, but he had buried his past and his ambitions. So the plane was kind of a way of his psyche trying to remind him of his childhood imagination, and of his dreams. If you notice, in one of the first scenes, we see Russ driving down the road when the plane comes flying at him, then disappears. Then he says to the man in the car next to him "Did you see that?" and the guy rolls his window up, looking at him as if he was crazy. So that says there that he's the only one that sees it.

Also, several times in the movie we see the German shephard (Chester) and also a red pick-up truck that looks similar to the plane. When Russ first sees Rusty and starts chasing him in the beginning, he pulls out of his house and is driving after Rusty, when a red truck pulls out in front of him. There's several moments like that in the movie, during some integral scenes we see this truck. Finally, it's paid off when we see older older Rusty and Chester in the end. But yeah, I thought it was a great subtle hints for those of us out there that aren't kids and can pick up on clues.

"Is this a joke? Because if it is, it's both funny and well-executed."
