DVD trouble

OK I know this DVD came out years ago but it's been buggging me to know if anyone else had this problem. I bought the DVD when it came out from a Wal-Mart near where I lived and tried to play it when I got home. When the DVD started it got to the FBI warning and all of a sudden it stopped and my player turned off. I tried again thinking that the plug had come off or something and the same thing happened. I then took the DVD back to the sotre and got another one and explained to the person it was defective. However, when I got back home the same thing happened with the second DVD. All in all I was able to get a completely different DVD, the special editino of Dinosaur. Which, with my luck, also had problems but because I had so much trouble with the other two the store let me exchange it. But I guess as a funny jinx the store tlld me I could not return the item if that DVD was defective. So all in all I sold my copy of Dinosaur to someone else who was able to play the movie on thier DVD player. I just wanted to know if anyone had a similar experience with The Kid DVD.


I bought my "The Kid" DVD about nine months ago at Sam's Club and had no problems with it.


So far, I don't own the Kid on dvd, so I don't know if I will have trouble with the dvd, or not, but I have to check around what companies are selling this movie at what prices. I don't know if they will beat deepdiscountdvd.com's price through.


Well did you think it could be your DVD player?

www.beatmydrum.com/. check it out


At the time my DVD player was quite knew but as time has now changed I know it's kind of obsolete. I do want to get another DVD player because at times I ahve had trouble with other DVDs but then they will be fine in my roomate's player. I just wanted to know if I was the only one that had that problem. I know I want to get a different player but for now because money is tight I will wait till then.


I read on the message board for another movie where somebody thought that dvd was defective. It was the james bond movie the man with the golden gun and they said that after the car chase started all of a sudden it went to the main menu.
They also said that they had contacted the movie studio, mgm, and they weren't very customer freindly.


I had the same problem with my copy of it. My dad bought it from costco whe it first came out, and it wouldn't work on my dvd player. my dad and me got pissed so we took it over to my uncles and it worked on his, so we tried it on ours again, it didnt work, so my dad bought a new copy of it and that one didn't work either. We had to hit play and the scene skip a bunch of times to get it to go to the main menu.


My wife and I rented the film from a local video chain this evening. The movie played for about five minutes in a bizarre aspect ratio. We took it out and changed discs to see if it was the player and now our player won't play anything (even the rented dvd that caused trouble in the first place). I'm not inclined to believe that it was a problem with the player as I was watching Harry Potter on it this morning.


I have a reg 2 version of this DVD (european) and a wanted to re-watch it the other day, it froze on me severel times. I notised som scaring and bad mark on the surfice if the DVD, seamed like it was almost starting to desolve...Dont know if it is the same peoblem or if it is my player...
