MovieChat Forums > Pay It Forward (2000) Discussion > Horrible ending to a "so-so" movie

Horrible ending to a "so-so" movie

Like really, out of all the endings they could choose to shock the audience; they take something as badly written of a cliche like schoolyard bullying and make it even worse when said bullies resort to murder. It isn't even okay when Stephen King does it, so how the hell is it okay when someone else does? Prior to that, the movie is just "so-so". I mean it's decent and the movie tried to spread a good message but oh my God that ending was fucking horrible written drivel! The novel has a similar ending but its nowhere near as bad as the film version. In the novel, he gets stabbed by a street thug, but unlike the bullies, the thug feels remorse for killing an innocent child. Now had they kept that ending instead of what we got, that would've made it a lot better. Thanks to this godawful horrendous ending, I can't even watch this! I wouldn't even watch this if someone payed me $1,000,000 to do so! Stapling my nutsack to a chair would be a less painful experience than watching that ending!

Now I'm gonna let you in on a little secret; I've never even seen the ending. My mother spoiled it to me, when I was only 12 years old (yes, I'm the same age as Haley Joel Osment, both of us were born in April 1988). I vowed to never watch this film, becuase of that awful ending! I probably would've committed suicide and be would six feet under right now, had I seen this poorly written excuse for an ending!
