MovieChat Forums > The Others (2001) Discussion > The main character is supposed to be lik...

The main character is supposed to be likable

The main character of the movie is Grace and she's dead, been dead for years. She was a dead war widow and didn't even know it even though she actually committed suicide. Sorry, but if you kill yourself with a gun, how do you not know you're dead since you pulled the trigger? Not that shooting yourself square in the forehead with a rifle that's taller than you is even possible; Movie made a bit of an oversight there, but she smothered her kids with a pillow each, then she shot herself in the head; the forehead. Great isn't it? We're supposed to follow and sympathize with her but she's a murderer! She murdered her family, she was insane, she was delusional, narcissistic, and a weak minded twit to boot! There's really nothing about her to like, but considering that it takes place in 2001 but she died in 1945, shouldn't there have been other reasons for Grace and the kids to die? There was still famine, and starvation as well as diseases like Tuberculosis, German Measles, small pox, typhoid and fevers running rampant----plus most children didn't survive as they succumbed to childhood illnesses so why not have the two children die that way? Maybe even have Grace die of old age?


How To Spoil A Movie In An Opening Sentence



For shit like this, I never see read a thread before actually watching the movie. You're a moron dude ¿do you know you can put the word spoiler on the title or even put the tag on your text so is covered and the people can only read it if they choose to?
