What's in Paris?

Cedric goes to Paris after he and Laurant break-up. Why? What's in Paris?


I think the film leaves the answer to the viewer. Cedric insists to his mother that he was at 'a conference' - one that just happened to come up suddenly. She seems to think he was acting out - probably hanging out in the Marais looking for hook-ups, or maybe boozing, getting high or just sulking.

"Nothing personal. Your name just happened to come up."


Thanks! I'm not familiar with France's gay scene so I didn't understand the significance.


Hi SC3 - You keep showing up with interesting comments/questions on the boards for my favorite films. I'm not really 'familiar' with the gay scene in Gay Paree. In fact the last time I visited Paris was many years ago 'before I was gay.' So most of what I 'know' about such things comes from reading or movies and is likely to be quite distorted.

You might remember the scene in 'A Cause d'un Garcon' where Vincent goes to the Marais (the main gayborhood in Paris) to visit his former boyfriend. He gets treated like a piece of meat, which compounds his agony and disillusions him about the famous 'gay lifestyle.' I get the feeling that that sort of portrayal of the Marais - that stereotype - is fairly common in France. So just indicating that Cedric flipped out and ran off to Paris is enough to suggest (or at least raise the idea in his mother's mind) that he's there looking for random sex.

"Nothing personal. Your name just happened to come up."


Thanks! I envy you. You’re experience with Paris trumps my non-existent experience. I did spend a month in Italy, but that’s another story altogether!

I’ve spent so many hours (and by now totaling to days) of my life wading through mediocre and downright unwatchable gay films that I look forward to the opportunity to discuss the good ones. I wonder if I’ll get those hours back at the end of my life.
