MovieChat Forums > The Hole (2001) Discussion > Why couldn't they just get a hotel?

Why couldn't they just get a hotel?

I don't understand why they would agree to stay in a dirty, dark bunker in the ground. You can't even get cellphone reception--what sort of teens can do without cellphones for even a day? Kiera's character would definitely not find such a rathole acceptable. And to allow someone to simply lock them in? That's just stupid.

So already I found this to be too incredible to accept, and the film just went downhill from there.


Agree. I can't understand why anyone would like this movie. I guess it's a British thing.


Because then there would be no movie. It would be call The Hotel Room lol


They were underage and you can't smoke and drink in a hotel and make as much noise as you want and act crazy I guess that was the point.


You've hit the nail on the head.
nobody in any age bracket would want to party and sleep around in an abandoned bunker. Much less for three whole days!

The idea is completely unrealistic to the point of undermining the film's fantasy.


You kidding? when I was sixteen or seventeen, this would've been a *beep* dream. It would have been the coolest party ever. I know a lot of young people who would agree. Maybe not Americans though?

Cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite.


Yeah, as an American, I agree that it would NOT have been the coolest party ever to be locked in some dingy rat-infested dank hole underground all weekend without so much as a corner store to buy smokes and booze. I guess we're just weird that way.


They wanted to be alone with their guys as well as party. In the pitch dark you can do anything. Seems realistic to me.


i said why didnt they get a motel too. seemed like a obvious choice, but they chose to be stuck in a sewer

Even camping in the woods would be better. atleast then you could leave and come back anytime. Get fresh air,suplies etc.


It was a plot point that apparently quite a few people missed. Mike is the son of a famous musician and has just broken up with or been dumped by his famous model girlfriend. They couldn't go to a motel, or really anywhere, because the paparazzi would have noticed and then they would have gotten in trouble with parents and school administration, because the parents thought they were on a school field trip, and the school thought they had gone home to their parents. In both Liz and Martin's version of what happened it's consistent that they need to avoid the school admin, parents AND paparazzi, so essentially a hole in the ground was their only choice.

~@~ Victor Hugo: Imagination is intelligence with an erection.


Yes, I think we all missed that. I thought they were just rich kids, not celebrities.


Back in 2000 when this was filmed, teens were not so "surgically attached" to cell phones, at least no where near today's teens. The total obsession with all things electronic gadgetry is a more recent cultural trend.

I agree though about the willingness to party in a dank under ground bunker, was more of a stretch.


Besides other plot points, I couldn't believe this point either. I can see having a party and overnighter down there, but 3 DAYS??? I know avoiding paparazzi was part of the point, but with their wealth, I'm sure they could have come up with something else. Of course, we wouldn't have a movie, but I would have found it more believable if they were planning to stay the night, party, and then move on once everyone in school was gone.


Plus phones had only just started getting internet, and there was no Facebook, no Twitter, and definitely no TikTok
