did mike die or not

me and my friend have been arguing about this for years she says he obviouly died but my arguement is when she took the lady around the hole where every one died it did like a cut scene to the morgue or were ever there bodies were but it never showed you mikes body i dont believe he died this arguement has been going on for years. what are thoughts any one ? HELP


... wow


Yea, usually a pipe that penetrates your heart won't kill you


Mike definitely died. I don't know how there could be any argument otherwise to be honest, LOL!

Watch that scene again. The ladder totally impaled him RIGHT IN THE HEART. It shows him dying in the scene and everything.


Lol. Of course he died. Besides the obvious fact that he was impaled. They would have brought up the fact that Mike would be able to back up that shrink lady (whatever profession she was) and testify against Thora's character. -_- She wouldn't be getting away with what she did. But they have no one else alive to give the truth.


Mike of course died, but I can see where the OP was coming from. In the film, in the scene at the mortuary, the lady coroner first showed Dr. Horwood the dead Keira on the examiner’s table, and explained how she died. Then she wheeled out Geoff’s body and said something like “this one was murder”. Since Mike had also died, wasn’t it logical that she would then show Dr. Horwood the third body? But that didn’t happen in the film, for the obvious reason that at that point, Thora still had not told the true story and so the scriptwriter was not yet willing to reveal to the viewer what had happened to Mike. Consider that a weakness of the script.


Thanks every one for clearing it up i didnt want to believe i was wrong lol thanks again


There's a much easier way to win that argument: go back to the conversation Liz has with Dr.Horwood while in 'the hole'. She blatantly tells the psychologist that perhaps it's better this way (that he died in the hole after they'd had sex and he said he loved her) because then she can remember him like that and he'll never cheat on her. Rather twisted, but then, her entire view of reality is twisted to begin with so that's just par for the course really.

~@~ Victor Hugo: Imagination is intelligence with an erection.


dumb as a box of rocks...


"It's all right Liz, just a flesh wound"
