MovieChat Forums > The Hole (2001) Discussion > Are we supposed to think she gets away w...

Are we supposed to think she gets away with it?

I don't get that. Why would the therapist's testimony be discredited or regarded as fiction? I understand where they are trying to go with this ending, but it seems implausible.


Well, I think she would be a bit discredited because Liz had just disappeared, and now they might think that she dragged her down there to force her to remember what happened or something. They assumed Martyn committed suicide, thereby confirming his guilt. There's no witness to say that Liz pushed him over into the water. However, yeah, in real life, I don't think she would get away with it, as the fact remains that the other three kids died down there, and she's given no account of the events except to her therapist.

I guess she could just say that Martyn locked them in and tell the truth about the deaths as far as that goes - Frankie died of a heart attack, Mike killed the other guy and then got impaled by the ladder when he shook it too hard and it fell on him.

Someday you will name me, then gently place those burning holy roses in my hair.


And that is precisely how she'll get away with it. I could completely see the therapist being discredited. The Police Officer didn't seem much on her side throughout the movie, so he'd be easy to deceive. She's (Liz) a sociopath and apparently a master manipulator. Those two things put together make her very dangerous, and very easily believable to those who want to believe her, and the cop definitely seemed to want to believe her. All Liz has to do is say that the therapist coerced her to say everything that she did on the tapes, and because the two were found in the hole together by the officer, and Liz immediately plays on the cop's sympathies, she easily can convince him, and the therapist knows it.


What Liz says back at The Hole with the therapist present, was NOT being recorded. That's why, at the end, the therapist says that Liz needs to REPEAT what she just said, ON TAPE, for the police, families etc. Liz refuses.

So the therapist has no proof of what Liz said to her. Meanwhile, the police have Martyn's body with the key found (planted) on it.

Really, if you hadn't seen the movie, who would YOU tend to believe? At least right then, until Liz maybe comes further unwound later in life.


Technically she didn't kill anyone. She was negligent because she had the key and didn't let them out. She could be accused of holding them hostage. However, it seems she is a spoiled socialite without a father figure that was obsessed with a boy who lacked interest in anything other than skinny blondes.


I sure didn't. At the very least, a lot more people than her therapist would be asking questions about what happened and the families of the other kids would demand an explanation. At some point, she'd trip up because, when it came right down to it, a lot of what happened did so because she wasn't the sparkliest bulb in the Lite Brite set. Sociopaths and psychopaths can be charming, but they're not the supergeniuses mysteries make them out to be.

That's probably why they ended it where they did. To go any further would have made it too preposterous.

Innsmouth Free Press


At the very least, a lot more people than her therapist would be asking questions about what happened and the families of the other kids would demand an explanation

But she doesn't have to give them one. Or rather, she can give them the story she originally gave, which made it look like she had gone mad and fantasized a happy ending.

Eventually the police will come up with some theory about what happened down there, and she then she can slowly "remember" it.

Short version: she doesn't need a credible convincing story because everyone thinks she has gone round the twist anyway.


I think it is implausible.

Liz may have been smart enough to know that she could unburden herself there and have a little peace possibly without the therapist ratting on her because the therapist was in the wrong to take Liz into the hole ... even though Liz pushed her to. Liz is obviously quite a bit more the manipulator than Martin ever was.

However, I can't imagine the therapist not saying something; and I can't imagine others not believing her, even if she did make a misstep. But, yeah, that would probably have been a pretty big misstep that would have seriously damaged her credibility. Her mistake was not to have thought to take a recorder. Didn't have smart phones then?

By the way, I found Mike's killing his best friend to be implausible, too. Maybe I missed something but I thought everyone seemed pretty tight and that everyone would have shared the Coke. And what was it with Liz ... was she planning to let everyone else die so she could be alone with Mike? Interesting story, though.


I always wondered about other individuals views on Liz. In the first half of the film, Liz paints herself as this loser whose only friend is Martin and who the popular girls use and abuse. But then in the second half Martin describes her as this popular, spoilt, snotty cow who is top of the high school food chain. Surely the investigators would get character references and see whether Martin or Liz was telling the truth? It wouldn't be hard to go to the school and ask other pupils whether Liz was popular or a loner - thus discrediting her


You have to be right about that. It seems most movies have plot holes big enough to drive a truck through.

But perhaps it works if you think that the psychologist again wouldn't wish to reveal that she had done something unethical because even if they discovered she was right it still might discredit her as a professional. The only thing is, I'm not sure how unethical it was to have done what she did.


I found the entire movie interesting but implausible. Even if she's a skilled manipulator she can't control Martin while he's out. I'll have to watch it again, but It's not clear to me if he was even involved in the situation beyond making entries in the computer. In any case his story about what he was doing and where he was would check out and stay consistent because presumably it was true and there'd be other people to verify his whereabouts. Liz's story kept changing, and the whole suicide cover was ridiculous. We're supposed to buy that the police instantly came to the conclusion he committed suicide by going over to Liz's house and jumping off a bridge that's two feet above the water? Finally the counselor didn't record the conversation, and she might have gotten in some trouble for taking Liz to the crime scene, but I doubt they would utterly disregard her testimony of what happened over a batsh*t crazy teenager especially if it matched up with what was found at the scene.



The (Plot) Hole

I actually like this movie a lot, seeing as a friend and I clicked on it as a "movie to fall asleep to" and it kept us up watching, waiting to see what would happen.

"...but I doubt they would utterly disregard her testimony of what happened over a batsh*t crazy teenager especially if it matched up with what was found at the scene."reason without a tape recorder or a wire etc.... (why?) after a bunch of kids just died and this girl knows what happened... why not tape it? Gah!! And oh, no, now she's not going to turn herself in and spend life in prison willingly? Guess I should've recorded some (ANY OF) that whole *confession*, huh? Darnit! :) :p

And they wouldn't check with anyone what this girl's personality was like

My thoughts exactly. She's a trained professional and they'd believe some psycho who everyone just died around?

...and she's stupid enough to take this obviously wacko girl down into the hole for ANY (rich/slutty/popular / total loser-geek)? Serious plothole.

Great movie though. Very entertaining... especially the ****SPOILER ALERT BELOW*** foreshadowing....

...of the "game" they played at the beginning (in Thora Birch's/Liz's lie/fantasy tale) with the cards that read off the ways they all got sick and died in there or whatever?! That part was brilliant and original - pretty twisted. And I'm a hardened horror movie fan.

Funny that K. Knightley's name, *huge* star now, isn't even on the cover but that dude's is... who is he? Lol. Guess she was just supposed to be the tits. I liked her in this one, though, her part was nicely acted.

I'd give it a solid B.
