Bulimic?? Blood??

Was Frankie actually Bulimic ? Is that how she died ?
If it was heart failure why was there blood all over her ?



So was the heart failure as a result of her being bulimic or because of something else ? would she of died even if she wasnt in the hole ?


The heart failure came from a massive loss of blood resulting from the tear in her esophagus that was partly a result of her bulimia. Previous bouts of vomiting due to her eating disorder would have gradually eroded the lining of her esophagus. However, the vomiting that resulted in the Hole was because she did not have enough potassium in her body (she was not throwing up due to her bulimia anymore). Because she had so little food in her stomach, all she was throwing up was hydrochloric acid from her stomach, which would have continued to eat away at her already-weakened esophagus lining. Chances are that outside of the Hole, she would have eaten just enough food to avoid a potassium loss, and even if the same condition befell her, she might have gotten to the hospital in time.

Everyone dies, but not everyone gets to live. -- The Ice Queen


oh rite ok thanks for that



I agree. Bulimia does manifest in different forms, but it seems screenwriters do not always take the time to do (much) research.

Everyone dies, but not everyone gets to live. -- The Ice Queen


Not just the esophagus lining. The constant puking causes stress on the heart, weakens it. She could have died from heart failure from the stress, not just the loss of blood.

I think this is an amazing portrayal of bulimia, eventhough it's a side plot vaguely mentioned. I suffered it, I'm almost free.

Day-time television? Who cares what new diet some anorexic actress is on?



bulemia is removing the food eaten from your body before you have time to digest it. Therefore taking laxatives is another form... can't think of another at the mo... anorexia is simply not eating anything. Bulemia is far far more common but much less diagnosed.

To be perfectly honest, Jared, were I so inclined, I think I could do better


Oh dear, this entire message is so misinformed on eating disorders.


Bulimia is not all about vomiting. It can manifest itself in forms such as enemas, ingesting laxatives or diuretics, excessive or prolonged exercise, or fasting. Throwing up is common for bulimics, but there are some who never perform this action during their illness.

Everyone dies, but not everyone gets to live. -- The Ice Queen



well said.
