Could have been good

This movie could have been good. They started with a great part of WW2 history then proceeded to ruin it.

1. Director John Woo - yes he does action scenes quite well, these were reasonably good and the only reason why I kept watching - to check out some WW2 hardware and watching some things blow up. I love squibs.
2. Screenwriting could have done without the cheese.
3. Nicolas Cage was better in Face/Off. As was Woo. Stay out of WW2.
4. Poor location choices - in one scene they are walking through a forest in Canada (or somewhere else in the fall where the leaves are turning yellow/brown). Look out for grizzlies. In the next scene we have deep green coconut plantations.

A tighter story line and a director interested in history would have given this movie some credibility. The impact of the Codetalkers on the outcome of the war was sadly deemphasised and the concept simply served as an action vehicle for cage. As it stands, Windtalkers features a few good action scenes for die-hard action fans, but loses badly with heavy doses of cheese and a lack of substance.
