Explain Cherita

I have seen this film at least fifteen times and I have my own ideas for most all of the characters, but Cherita always throws me.
I "know" she knows more than is let on in the film. I can't figure out why she is there. Why is she so concerned with the events that she will ease drop on Donnie's conversation with Monitoff. What is the significance of Pomeroy encountering her in the dug out after being fired? Why is she so freaked when Donnie tells her everything will be better for her? What's with the earmuffs?
I almost feel as though she is the passive God in the film. There to observe the events but not exert control over them. Or maybe unable to.


I barely saw the movie for the 1st time, so you'd probably be the best person to explain it, lol. Perhaps you're right, perhaps she's there as the time reporter. There's that question about if a tree fell in the forest, did it make a sound? If the movie was about god, somebody would need to tell god about Donnie's good deed.


Well.. I think, Cherita does not affects the plot a lot. For me, Cherita is a character that was made to show audience that Donnie has empathy.


She was a totally innocent person who had a huge crush on Donnie. His kindness towards her is a symbol of his heroic nature.

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Donnie was a somewhat of a weirdo misfit but he was intelligent, witty, confident (and hilarious) enough to hold his own in High School and deflect any bullying he might encounter. I thought of Cherita as a reminder that unfortunately not everyone has these skills and can suffer long into adulthood.


Cherita was a misfit, like Donnie, but passive to his aggreassive, She has a crush on him, and when he says everything will be alright she is overwhelmed. Just because he talked to her, and also that he knew her secret that she feared that things would alwful for her.

I thought her dance was very touching


This film spent a lot of time building up interesting characters and not filling the screen with stock high school personalities. I guess Cherita was just another one of those. I'm not sure if she had any more significance than being a side character with a crush on Donnie.


In the dug out scene, it's possible they thought she would be the perfect character to see Barrymore's character losing it. I mean, isn't it a bit amusing to suddenly see someone like Cherita sitting there all confused?

And why did she freak out when Donnie told her everything was going to be better for her? Aside from her being someone who clearly didn't like being confronted, I imagine she reacted that way because she felt extremely embarrassed and slightly terrified by the way her crush unexpectedly "came on" to her like that.

Now you do get the impression she's more important to the film than one might think, but idk, I think she found some sort of connection with Donnie and ultimately became obsessed with him. It was probably nothing more than that though, she was simply fascinated with him.

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