MovieChat Forums > Donnie Darko (2001) Discussion > What caused the existence of two artifac...

What caused the existence of two artifacts (jet engine) simultaneously ?

I have pretty much understood everything from the movie except two things - 1) How did it all start? I know there was an error in the fourth dimension, but did the jet engine just duplicate itself or what? I'm confused. 2) Does dead Frank direct Donnie to kill alive Frank to produce dead Frank? If yes, and assuming that he receives help from advanced human race, why can't they just stop the artifact from being duplicated themselves? Why do they want Donnie?


1) We don't know. It isn't part of the story. The artifact came from "nowhere" in the beginning. Donnie's trip through the Tangent Universe is what gives it a reason for existing and solves the paradox caused by it's appearance from "nowhere."

2) That's part of the "ensurance trap." Frank has to die in the Tangent universe in order for him to be the Manipulated Dead that we see him as in most of the movie. They need Donnie to give reason for the jet engines existence in the Primary universe. It's not "duplicated" exactly.

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Its funny to watch people speak in absolutes about things in this movie that are never ever fully explained which no one except the director could give you the answers to, but of course this is IMDB so their always has to be a jackass who believes they are the master interpreter of film and theirs and only theirs is the right opinion.


by 1: How did it all start? I know there was an error in the fourth dimension, but did the jet engine just duplicate itself or what? I'm confused.
The universe is as we know it; it is ruled by cause and causality and we all play our parts in the schemes of everything. Cause and effect equals balance. But sometimes an anomaly happens that should not have happened. In the movie this is the falling engine from a future not yet written - it is an effect without a cause. When these anomalies happen the universe will try and fix it. The universe will try to create or establish the missing cause - whatever it may be. Whether it is the mechanics of the universe, God, other advanced beings, time travellers or whatever matters not. Personally, I like to think of it as Destiny. Destiny is the player and we are the pawns.

The point is really to grasp that we are not seeing a bunch of strange and inexplicable and random events taking place. We see a careful mastered game of manipulation played by Destiny. Nothing is by chance, and all for the cold calculative purpose of creating a cause in a yet unwritten future.

So the answer to your question is that because there is no cause, the story unfolds. Something *beep* up, it is unexplained and we just have to take it as $hit happens. All we need to understand is that when it happens Destiny has to fix it somehow to keep the balance. So, to make sense of this event Destiny has to make sure that the future (which has not yet happened) will cause an engine to fall off a plane and hit a wormhole to the past. In a world where everything is relative, the engine falling from the future re-establishes order to the universe. If there is no future where this engine falls, there is no sense to the present and this will destroy the universe as we know it.

Destiny simply has to make sure the universe makes sense and is ruled by cause and effect.

By 2: Does dead Frank direct Donnie to kill alive Frank to produce dead Frank? If yes, and assuming that he receives help from advanced human race, why can't they just stop the artifact from being duplicated themselves? Why do they want Donnie?
Destiny needs the device to be duplicated to make sense of the universe. Destiny is not trying to stop it. It is trying to create it.

To do this, Destiny grants powers to someone, who will eventually help in making the future event happen in such a way so there will be order in the universe once again.

The Tactics are like this:
1: Choose One, who is emotionally connected with the event
2: The chosen one must learn the truth about the universe, so he will use his powers when needed
3: Grant powers to the Chosen one, so he can fix when fixing needs to be done
4: The chosen one must be manipulated strongly to do what Destiny wants and thus be emotionally pushed to the limit.

By 1, Donnie fits the bill, thus Destiny wakes him up and saves him before the crash. We have a connection.

By 2, The Ms Sparrow story, the watery spears out of the chests makes him understand all is predetermined by Destiny and thus his own importance later on, and also that there is no need to resist. He learn he has a role, as he says “it cannot be a coincidence”.

By 3, Understanding Smurfs and their existential contradiction (power of insight). Seeing the watery spears out of the chests (power of foresight), making him realize he sees a wormhole forming in the end of the movie (power of knowledge), and his power to make or envision the engine ripping off the plane (power of... hmmm, let’s call it “power of playing his part in the universe”; at this point he sees this as his ultimate purpose)

By 4, All the little and strange events around him, and of course Frank is this manipulation happening. E.g. Ms Karen Pomeroy is manipulated to be the catalyst of the connection between Donnie and Gretchen, and also the catalyst to the Cellar Door etc. The School Principal firing Ms Pomeroy is everything but fair but again it makes her a catalyst to the Cellar Door reference. Each of these strange encounters serves a purpose in the scheme of manipulation by Destiny; Destiny is playing the game.

Donnie must fall in love and must fell fear. The strongest of human's emotions, as the movie teaches us.

By flooding the school he meets his love, which was ignited by Ms. Pomeroy earlier.

By burning the house, his mother has to leave them home alone so they can have a party where he and Gretchen will make love and strengthen the bond between them

By getting connected to Ms. Sparrow he learns about the universe, and he gets to the Cellar Door where his love will be snatched from him (the two emotions are now joined; his love and fear of dying alone).

By showing Frank as the messenger, he reacts strongly when he sees the real Frank as the killer. Who is only there because of the party. And all this pushes him to the limit, where Destiny needs him to be. Now and only now does he understand his powers of insight, foresight, knowledge and his ultimate part in the universe!

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


Excellent explanation


Thank you :)

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


When the primary universe was copied I assume all its timeline was copied, but it was not flawless as a jet engine got copied twice with one copy travelling back in time, it is an artifact and it is always made out of metal, it appears metal objects can slip through time, time machines if you will.

The tangent universe was not created by the duplicated jet angine, but the jet engine duplicate was created by the tangent universe.

This paradox inside the collapsing tangent universe will destroy the primary universe by creating a black hole if not being taken care of, so instead of being smashed Donny is being awoken by Frank the manipulated dead to become the living receiver.

In the ends Donnie sends the original jet engine to the primary universe thus cancelling the paradox inside the tangent universe and it safely collapses.

Unfortunately for Donnie he sends the engine back in time at the exact time and place of its origin, right above Donnie's room while he's asleep.
