MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Evolution (2000) Discussion > 2 things that always bugged me

2 things that always bugged me

1. Every time they fought they would create so much destruction, but noone would even notice. How does someone not notice that their street is being torn apart by teenagers with powers????

2. One minute they are in street clothes and the next they are in uniform. Kurt i understand because he has a projector, but the others NO. Why would they carry their uniforms around or wear them underneath their clothes??



1. I agree. That's just a cartoon for you.. it really bothered me when the Brotherhood destroyed their own house too..

2. That's what superheroes do...

"You lose money chasing women; never lose women chasing money.."


Another thing I don't get, why do they go to high school when they're already in Xavier's school (for gifted youngsters). I haven't watched Evolution in a while so maybe there's a good explanation for this which I don't remember, but isn't the whole point of them boarding in the X-mansion so they could learn and train their powers without being outcasted?

"Wrong, Ruby Eyes. In two days, it'll concern every human on Earth." - Pyro


This version of X-Men had the world be mostly unaware of mutants for the first two seasons (like it was in the early comics) and Xavier wanted the kids to learn how to co-exist with humans instead of cloistering themselves up in his house.

So he taught them how to use their powers, but wanted them to co-exist with normal humans and be more socially adjusted.

Once humans found out about mutants at the end of S2, it became more complicated.


Sounds about right.

"Wrong, Ruby Eyes. In two days, it'll concern every human on Earth." - Pyro


Yeah the uniform thing always bugged me. Like, really, you went and changed for this? When? How? You just go with it but it's funny to see.


Seriously, just watch any superhero cartoon or movie and you'll see the same thing. Kind of dumb thing to be bugged by...
