Rogue as a goth

There are alot of fansites, devoted to the X-men Evolution of Rogue, who love her as a goth. Does anyone else like her because of that?

In my mind, I like her like that because it fits well with her powers and her character since she can absorb people's energy and powers if they have some, she doesn't want to be socially that much. Plus, it gives out attitude which people seem to love. And also, it gives her a cool set of wardrobe.

Anyone else?


Didn't care for it myself. I'm a longtime fan of Rogue from the comics, and in that medium she has almost always been a fun character; her mutation is tragic and creates a lot of conflict for her, but she balances it out to some extent by having a lively sense of humor. The goth version replaces the character's sass with anger, making her a rather dour and sulky character who I don't find nearly as interesting.

"You always know where the X-Men have been, because it's always on fire."
- Pete Wisdom


The comics version never sat well with me, because of her having super strength and flight, like nearly half of all Marvel superheroes. Put more emphasis on her absorption power; don't degenerate her into a super-strong brute. And also, portraying her as a goth does seem a lot more realistic for a teenage version than reacting to one of the most tragic events of her life with bad catchphrases ('sugar') and the embodiment of a brutish Southern stereotype.


the reason Rogue has super strength and flight is because she aborbed all of Ms. Marvels powers and accidentally killed her. when she killed her she was able to use ms. marvels powers forever. so her having ms. marvels abilites is supposed to symbolize rogues burden and has a lot to do with her absorbtion abilities... besides if she didn't have any other abilities she'd be kind of a lame superhero


rogue is my favorite character. although i like her without the super strength and flight in evolution, it does make her seem almost useless when they are doing training or something. i mean she has to do all this physical stuff and no powers cause she can't touch one of the other people in training.


I like both types, but for X-Men Evolution, which was basically a re-envisioning of the X-Men Universe, Rogue as a Goth Loner really fit in well. Especially because, in Evolution, their ages were cut down drastically. They were teenagers, not 20 or 30-year olds. They brought the X-Men into a more modern youth look, and everything about each character, IMO, fit them perfectly. Rogue, in the comics, being the Southern Belle, sexy but don't touch, is perfect for who she is in the comics, but Goth Rogue in Evolution, indeed, fit in just as well with where she was in the Evolution universe.


Well this version is probably the best i've seen (i can;t remember the original one though). The Anna Paquin version is truly terrible.


I loved Evolution Rogue.


I have to agree with you there. Where Evolution Rogue and Original Rogue have a hard time dealing with their powers, they don't go on sulking about it. That's very annoying in the movies. Anna Paquin's like: "Ommigod I can't touch anyone, misery misery misery," all the time. While the other 2 versions are more like: "It sucks I can't touch anyone. What's for dinner?" Which I find a lot less annoying :)


I liked Evo Rogue much better than regular Rogue. I never understood her behaviour. One minute she carries on like a slut and the next she's all like "Ah cain't touch nobody! How am Ah supposed t'fiind a main if we cain't even have relations!" (sorry, it's not easy trying to type out that accent).


laeyisoracle said it the best...

Mystique and Wolverine foreverMystique Rules!!


I loved Rogue as a goth because she's a seventeen year old girl who can't touch anyone. It makes sense that she'd be pissed and moody, if they had made her cheerful about it the character would have been annoying.


I like the Evo version of Rogue alot more is because the Goth motif fits her very well and makes total sense and her personality also works, she does give a *beep* if she touches someone un like the previous animated version of Rogue who desperately wanted to touch.

"While guys hold on to their toys forever, girls soon throw out their playthings."



When I started to watch this show, not knowing anything about the X-men I thought Rogue was a woman somewhere in her 40's thanks to her make-up and especially her strands of white hair - I thought she simply turned grey prematurely.



Personnally the best way I see Rogue, is as a Goth. She can't be just like Kitty, and happy and lovely and a preppy because of her powers. I think this way to made her like that is the best was to make us understand how she has to deal with it.

Jess L.3



Goth Rogue was hot. She was okay in the older series, despite looking like a tramp from a Poison video. She was a horrible stereotype though.

I have always felt that superheroes are mythic archetypes, and that they're are limitless interpretations of their personalities. It's fun for me to see reinventions of familiar characters. Of course some people just want everything to always stay the same.


About the "Rogue as a wild girl" thing...she did come off as bit of one in this series at points. She just seemed more restrained than usually portrayed.

As for her being Goth...well in the 80s she had this Punk Rocker look to her so it's not without precedent.


I was fine with Rogue as a gothic in this show b/c I thought it resembled the 616 Rogue during her BOEM days before she took out Ms. Marvel. It seemed as though Evo Rogue and 616 teenage Rogue uglied herself up so people wouldn't come near her.

The thing I hate the most about Anna Paquin's Rogue is the way she does nothing but sulk and whine about her power being a handicap instead of realizing what good it could do. Unlike how all other versions of Rogue come up with ways to mask her depression instead of being a useless complainer 24/7.


When they first introduced her, she was. The white streaks were along the sides like Reed Richards, and she had a very mature (as in middle-aged) face. Each time I pick up a comic book or watch a show or movie with Rogue in it, it seems like she's ten years younger than she was the last time I saw her. It's going to suck for Professor X when he has to change her nappies. In this show, however, it wasn't so bad because she was the same age as the rest of the class, who were all regressed to teenagers.

As for her goth/punk look and isolationist personality, I was always hot for girls like that when I was a teenager. But moreover, I thought it befit her issues. It was almost like a defence mechanism. If you don't want to be touched, make people not want to touch you.


Rogue as a "goth" fit well because the characters are teenagers. However, Rogue as a "goth" in "Wolverine and the X-Men" is getting old.



That episode where Rogue seduced the security guard made me absoltly sick the frist time I saw it and it reminds me how much I truly hate her character, I mean all that did was show how much of a filthy,brain dead,whore she can be. She could have come up with a better way of dealing with the guard other then putting him in a coma and show complete disreguard for his fellings, I mean how would she feel if she was in his position, but no she takes the easy way out, caues she is just too stupid to use her small brain to come up with a better plan, and on top of that lets not forget the horrible way she treats Gambit especily in the episode where Cody comes back and Rogue can tough him and all of the sudden she becomes a complete bitch to everyone especily Gambit then at the end of the episode when Cody leaves her Gambit lets her cry on his shoulder as if the way she acted before didn't mater, he should have at least gotten an apology but no nothing , and it serves the bitch right for horrible way she treats men. She deserves the most horrific kind of torture imaginable.

In animated world of DC there are female characters that find much kinder and mauture ways to get what they want, for example in the begining of an episode of Superman:tas (Where There's Smoke...)a villainess by the name of Volcana talks a guard into leting her on a yacht and he dose then she gives him a nice little kiss on the cheek and thats all, she didn't have to knock him out or nothing, that just comes to show you that in the DC world even villains find better ways of getting what they want with out anyone getting hurt.


The 90s Rogue will always be my favorite take on Rogue, though Goth Rogue looked better than the Rogue who currently appears on "Wolverine & The X-Men" (where she looks like an unsuccessful attempt at creating an animated Anna Pacquin - seriously, were there really no better candidates for Rogue circa 2000?).

To me, Rogue's situation mirrored that of Ben Grimm/The Thing, the primary differences being that Ben got turned into a giant orange rock man and Rogue can't touch people bare handed (although Ben still has to be careful how he handles people/objects) and the fact that Ben got to be a celebrity while Rogue and her fellow mutants get hunted like fugitives. Rogue in her 90s incarnation basically tried to make the best of a bad situation, using Southern belle sass and humor to cope with her fairly crappy/miserable existence, just as Ben 'The Thing' Grimm uses humor to help him get through the day and cope with being a ridiculous looking monstrosity.


Agreed, I love the way 90's Rogue coped with her mutation. Rogue without her sass? She may as well be a different character.

My problem with Evo Rogue is the fact that she is portrayed as a Goth. It's a pretty unoriginal and crude stereotype for teenagers who deal with extra difficulties during adolescence. You think the creators could have been a little more original...


I liked her like that. In addition to the fine points made by the OP, Evo Rogue is also supernaturally hot.

------Jesus loves you, but only as a friend.------


I concur wholeheartedly. This is far and away my favourite rendition of Rogue EVAH. The creators really got you sympathising with her and what she was going through, and as has been noted by others, her behaviour seems quite natural for the age she's supposed to be here. Also I gotta give kudos to Meghan Black for making Rogue's pathos sound that much more realistic.
