
She seriously only had one episode dedicated to her. I know the younger characters - the students - are supposed to be the main focus, but just about everyone got more attention than her. She had this episode and one awesome moment in season 1 when she took Mystique out. Other than that she is just a support character and one of the Horsemen in the finale. That bugs me. I love X-Men; I'm a HUGE fan so I literally love practically every character, but if I ever had to pick just one, like if I really had to, it would always be Storm. Beast was a teacher introduced one season later and he got at least two episodes focused on him, and since his introduction had more of a supporting role than Storm. Professor X and Wolverine had their fair share of stories dedicated solely to them. Even Boom Boom and Magma had more focus put on their characters when they stepped into the spotlight. Storm is awesome, and she was awesome in this show and the music they used as her 'theme' was awesome as well so if I could change anything about the show I'd cut out the episodes that focused on Spyke and make them more Storm-focused. Making her into his aunt they kind of just put her as a support character for him...
