What's up with Gambit

Why is Gambit working for Magneto in this? I've always seen him as a good guy because of the 90s cartoon, and the 90s cartoon is more faithful to the comic books than Evolution (because of the changes made to make them all teenagers), but that hardly accounts for Gambit working with Magneto

And where the hell did Gambit's Cajun accent go? It doesn't sound anything like Gambit should!

NCIS-Is that anything like CSI?
Only if you're dyslexic


According to one of the writers, he found Gambit more interesting as a conflicted villian than a conflicted hero. I was also a bit taken a back by Gambit showing up as an Acolyte, but since they didn't have the Marauders in Evo, they had to put him somewhere. But as season 3 and 4 move on, you get hints at Gambit's motivation in joining Magneto, and you see he is not an evil character, unlike Gambit in Wolverine and the X Men.

His accent here, according to my sister who spent a lot of time in Cajun country, is more like how Cajuns sound like now. When she recently started to watch the 90's series, she was taken aback at Gambit's accent. It seems no one under the age of 70 speaks like that, even in the bayous.



He wasn't an Acolyte, he was a Marauder and he worked for Mr Sinister before he joined the X-Men.

And he wasn't a villain as such, he just worked for Mr Sinister because he was paying off a debt.


I enjoyed his accent much more in the 90's cartoon. The accent in EVO is barely there.



i am not famailair with the cajun accent at all..and though i love his accent in xmen TAS ..as someone from the west indies sometimes he sounded west indian or like the stereotypical "rasta" accent seen on american tv...then he'd be speaking french and id be like ..."he could be haitian lol"

but i liked his accent whether it sounded cajun or not..


I much prefered Gambit's accent in Evolution over the 90s series.

And the writers wanted to include both Gambit and Colossus. They also needed to assemble a team for Magneto. They included Sabertooth and Pyro, and they knew including colossus and Gambit as bad guys would shock the audience. Gambit is basically a thief/mercenary for hire, so to my understanding, Magneto is simply hiring him. It's revealed later that Gambit isn't actually evil. It's also revealed that Magneto has Colossus' family held captive, and Colossus has to join forces with Magneto so he won't hurt them.


How could you prefer Gambit's accent in Evo compared to the 90's series? To each his own I guesss. But his thick old world Cajun accent is infinitely more interesting to me. I don't really like this show at all but the one upside to Gambit being on Magneto's side is at least it starts him off a little more badass rather then him being a teen angst type character who has homework and stuff like that. That is just totally not Gambit's style.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBYznVnNTI4 RIP Bob Probert


lol, Remy LeBeau is Australian, mate. Yeah, no one I've ever known from New Orleans sounded like that. Much closer to the 90's cartoon.


Going through the trivia page for this show, there are also hints dropped that if the show had lasted past the fourth season, one sub-plot would have been Gambit switching sides to join the X-Men. That certain je ne s'ais qois between him and Rogue was definitely present here, and IMHO, that would have made things most interesting, both between them and between Gambit and the rest of the crew.



Yeah but he's not a bad guy either. He's done shady and extremely questionable things but he was never a clear cut bad guy. He's a character who walks the line and has been on both sides of it. He looks out for himself.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBYznVnNTI4 RIP Bob Probert


I was upset by this as a fan of the 90s cartoon and also that Colossus was working with Magneto as well.
"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld



Gambit was originally a bad guy working for Sinister before he became an X-Man.



Yeah but he's not a bad guy either. He's done shady and extremely questionable things but he was never a clear cut bad guy. He's a character who walks the line and has been on both sides of it. He looks out for himself.

Basically this.

Gambit is not a goody two shoes by any means and he was raised to be a thief so he's got that going on. . .but he was never a bad guy by nature. As for him being on Magneto's team in Evolution, I think I read somewhere that Magneto was paying the guys off, or giving them some sort of compensation (except for Colossus, and I think Magneto was keeping one of his relatives hostage).

I don't know if Gambit actually understood or agreed with Magneto's vendetta against non-mutants, but after Magneto "died", Gambit split and went back to doing his own thing. He's the type of guy who's good at heart but doesn't always like to show it. I don't think one could categorize him as being good or bad though.
