So I caught a few episodes on netflix and I remember one thing that kinda killed the show for me. KITTY PRIDE!! She was really annoying. Like The fact she was way over dramatic for someone who can ONLY move through objects compared to someone like Nightcrawler who looks like a demon. I could not like her character at all. WHo else agrees or which character annoyed to the fullest.


She is kind of irritating at least at first. I watched season 3 a few years ago and seem to remember her not being that bad by then. I could remember wrong though.


It is funny you say that cause The reason I brought this up cause I was watching this on netflix the other day. I remember this too but re-watching it is decent x-men show for it's time. But she was really over the top.


That's kind of how she was in the comics. The younger "annoying" sister. However, I think that weird "valley-girl" accent is what made her unbearable to listen to at times.

However, she gets better throughout the series (i.e. her character matures)

I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you, I throw up, Aghhh!


btw, I think Boom Boom is way more annoying than Kitty.


Nightcrawler was the most annoying of them all. Overall this series was the worst of the X-men adaptations though.


She's only annoying at the beginning of season 1. That's when she talks like a valleygirl. But after season 1, she's one of my favorite X-men. Her and Jean Grey have always been my favorites.


I loved this show as a kid and Kitty was always my favorite. I started rewatching it on Netflix last month and did not remember her saying "like" in every sentence. I was incredibly irritated and thought "Why did I love her so much?" but then when I saw she stopped it after the first season I was relieved. It was only one season so that's probably why it didn't stick in my mind. Plus it's been almost ten years since I've watched it. Glad I have a chance to see it again, brings back memories and I still enjoy it.

I like having low self-esteem. It makes me feel special.


I liked Kitty...and this show had the best animated version of Jean Grey. (powerful, tough, not obsessed with Scott AND Wolverine and she doesn't faint!)

Nightcrawler is hands down the most annoying character...Spike is a close second.

I kinda dug Goth Rogue too.


Yeah, I like Kitty after the first season (I don't dislike her before even, but the valley girl thing was grating). She's still my favorite character. Goth Rogue is cool too.
I like Nightcrawler, though I can see why people find him annoying. Spike was a useless character. They literally created him to have another character of color, and they failed. Then they ended up discarding him in the end. Wonder why.

My dream is to die thinking, "Wow, that was fun. I'm tired."


It's funny that she was kind of based off Buffy, according to the trivia. I agree with the others though that after season 1 (& definitely after S2) she really matures.


Buffy was actually based off of her. Kitty Pryde was always Whedon's favorite of the X-Men, which if you've read his amazing run of "Astonishing X-Men" shouldn't come as a surprise.

The Kitty in this is like totally based off of the movie version of Buffy though.


anyone know why Netflix only has season 1? WTF

Why is it whenever someone says "with all due respect", they really mean "kiss my ass"?
