MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Evolution (2000) Discussion > Reason why Scott/Jean worked on here

Reason why Scott/Jean worked on here

I noticed every other interpretation of X-Men (i.e. TAS, Wolverine and the X-men and the X films) had Wolverine as the better man. Always Wolverine and never on Scott and they gave the chance to give Scott any depth as a character. And they also always made Jean feel so conflicted with the choice between Wolverine and Scott and obviously the writers of those things wanted us to feel like Wol/Jean were the OTP when that really is not how it should be at all.

The films made Scott such a pathetic excuse for a character, so anal retentive and Wolverine was the one that loved Jean? I thought that was absolutely ridiculous trash! How are we supposed to root for a character like Scott when he does those things. Wolv and X-men is nothing but Wolverine propaganda and they also made Jean kind of a unsympathetic bitch who was clearly more in love with Wolv anyway, making you root for Scott/Emma and Wolv/Jean! I mean come on!

Scott and Jean were always supposed to be together and this is like literally the only show that developed any characters other than Wolverine and if they ever make a new series for X-Men they need to flesh this kind of Cyclops and a Jean that isn't completely absent or completely useless (aka TAS). Also this whole Wolverine thing needs to die down, he needs to be the supporting characters as in equal amount of story lines along with the others.

Another reason I think the movies purposely put Jean and Wolv together was because the actress playing Jean was way too old looking to be paired with James. I mean she could have passed for at least 35 while James was looking around 28 and the ever so perfect Wolverine is just the perfect age for anyone. The typical woman being too old for the guy so she chooses the obvious choice
I'm sorry what do you think you're doing?

