MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Evolution (2000) Discussion > Anyone would love to see a sequel to thi...

Anyone would love to see a sequel to this show?

I for one would love to see a new series set in the same continuity as this show featuring the X-men as adults. Just want to see how the Evo world 'evolved' and how close is it to the comics canon.

I would love to see them use pretty much the same line-up they showed in the 'flashes to the future' in the last ep. Also I would like it if they explored some of the comics storylines such as Days of Future Past, the Dark Pheonix Saga etc.

What do people out here think?


I would of liked a sequel would of been awesome to see Mr Sinister


I think the main line-up should be pretty much what they showed in the flash forwards-

Jean Grey

During the course of the series Wolverine would set off on a quest to re-explore his past, leaving X-23 to take his place basically cuz he also feels the X-men is the best place for the young mutant to train and regain some measure of a normal life. Also Jean would become Dark Pheonix.

Basically the storylines the series would explore would include the Dark Pheonix saga, the Days of Future Past, a storyline involving the resurrected Weapon X program (which means introducing Deadpool) and possibly even a reformed Magneto.

I'd call the series X-MEN: BEYOND EVOLUTION


just call it "X-MEN: BEYOND" it sounds better.


I agree, this is hands down the best of the X-men shows. Don't get me wrong, Wolverine and the X-men and the orginal are great too but the character development on Evolution was solid from start to finish. They accomplished a great deal in the 52 episodes they got and I was dispapointed that we never got a season five.

In fact, I remember hearing about "Wolverine and the X-men" a few years back and that a lot of the people behind "Evolution" were involved with the new series and I was psyched because I thought it was going to be a continuation. Until I saw the Once again, great show but I really would've liked to have had a second series like you guys suggested. Set about 5-10 years in the future with the occasional flashback scene to show the loyal fans how certain things came to be.

On a side note, after watching this show again recently I overlooked Scott McNeil's performance as Wolverine. Cal Dodd is the best period and Steve Blum is ok but McNeil was pretty impressive himself and I would rank him right behind Dodd. I remember recognizing him right away when I watched the first episode especially since I was a HUGE "Beast Wars" fan. Kind of like a cross between Dinobot and Silverbolt.

Sundance:"I'll go"
Butch:"This is no time for bravery, so I'll let ya."


I agree that there should be some kind of spin off series for this show because I felt that this show could have explored a bit more about how the X-Men cast became the X-Men later on. Even though the final episode has Professor X looking into the future and seeing who will be the future X-Men, I wanted to see how we get there and so far, the show had done an excellent job at telling the audience about how the X-Men team got started and how their lives were like before the hatred against the mutants began.

I would also like to see more of Colossus and Gambit since they were only introduced towards the end of the series and know more about their backgrounds just like the other characters and how they became apart of the X-Men team. I also wanted to see the relationships between Jean Grey/Cyclops, Shadowcat/Colossus and many others develop more than was shown early on.


Lately, I have been thinking that it might be cool to see a sequel series that featured the original kids all grown up and acting as a more developed strike force alongside Wolverine, Beast and Storm. I doubt Marvel Animation would consider it now (especially when guys who either loved or were involved with the show like Craig Kyle or Josh Fine aren't there anymore) but without the original team, and with Boyd Kirkland's unfortunate demise, I have no idea if they could recreate the original "magic".


Rewatching the show, especially towards the end, I get very pissed they never continued. The show was getting so good and, I'm sorry, but better than the original series. It should have continued, given all the promises for season 5 and seeing these versions of the characters later as adults like in the comics would have been the best thing to see. I realize the original series is very faithful to the comics, which Evolution sometimes was not (especially in the beginning) but I hate how people blindly believe the original to be the best. Evolution grew into a much better show by the end. And, for me, remains the best X-Men series.

Your Work Is Done Now, Jamie...


If they did a continuation of this show, I'd want it to start off where it ended (or more appropriately- stopped).

My dream is to die thinking, "Wow, that was fun. I'm tired."
