Idea for a Season 5

I know its not likely that they will continue this series since its already been replaced by another one, but I just thought it would be interesting to have seen how the fifth season of the show would have been, given the unique way the show had reinterpreted the X-men mythos in the first four seasons.

My idea is that if there is a Season 5, it should be set about 4-5 years after the end of Season 4. The X-men should all be in their early 20's and maybe in the outfits they wore in the 'future glimpses' in the finale. I think the show should have built up on the theme of anti-mutant hysteria, with organisations like the Friends of Humanity coming up while the Sentinel Program continues to evolve. Jean's growing power and her transformation into Dark Pheonix could also be explored. A lot of other classic X-men storylines could be retold, like Days of Future Past, the Pheonix Saga, the Proteus Saga among others. And perhaps Wolverine's past could be delved into more deeply, along with his relationship with X23.


They should definetely revive the deal with Xavier's son. He just took off into the air and was not heard from. I thought he might show up against Apocalpyse and the horsemen since he has incredible powers.

"Fuggedabout Joe the Plumber, what about Don the Jeweler?".


Funny thing about this show, is that its called X-Men Evolution. How exactly did the X-Men evolved? Now, if there was more seasons that would lead up to all of the visions that Xavier had about the future then it would have been better.

I would have like to see episodes that lead up to Gambit, Colossus, & Havok joining the X-Men permanently


Yeah, I'd like to see them join too. And X-23.

Maybe they could introduce Kiden Nixon? She wouldn't be too hard to fit into all this, but they would have to alter her origins a lot. She has the ability to slow time around her.

For a villain, I'd like to see Sinister.

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Well the X-men did 'evolve' from a bunch of mutant teenagers training to use their powers to a full-fledged team capable of taking on major threats like Magneto and Apocalypse. Each season brought bigger threats to the X-men. So in that sense there was evolution.


They should definately revive this show and follow those story lines. Maybe they could also do sub story lines about rogue and kurt getting to see each other more as family, it would be nice to see how rogue adapts to having a real family.


It would've been nice, but there's no way Evo is getting a season 5. Wolverine and the X-Men is out and basically taking Evo's place as the big X-Men cartoon.
(I'm having trouble getting into it,myself, but that just shows how attatched I am to evo. I mean, WATXM made Gambit a remorseless villian! What am I supposed
to do with _that_? At least in Evo Gambit did the wrong things for the right
reasons. This version of Gambit isn't likeable.)

Not to mention it's been off the air for, what, seven years?
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but it's not getting revived, as much as I love it and would like to see that happen. Just trying to be the voice of reason. Seems like everyone wants this to happen, but it's over. The creators have moved on. Doesn't mean we have to, but I'm just saying that season 5 is _never_ going to happen.

At least there's fan-fics.


Did you even read what the person who posted this subject put on his/her post? he/she knows that there isn't going to be a 5th season


Yes, I noticed that, but some of these other posts make it sound like the show's going to get renewed any minute and it's not. I don't like raining on people's parade, but it annoys me when people actually think it's going to get renewed. I love the show as much as anyone, but I know that's not going to happen.

Maybe I was just in a bad mood that day. I don't take back what I said, but I wish people wouldn't make it sound like it's going to happen or blindly hope for it. It's a little crazy.


It's sad that this show got cancelled, but if there was a 5th season, then here's what I wanted to happen:

1. Show how Colossus and Gambit joined the X-Men because it felt that they didn't have enough screentime for the last two seasons of this show and I'm curious in knowing why they would join the X-Men in the first place. Colossus might join the X-Men because they might have tried to rescue his family from Magneto, but I'm not sure about Gambit joining the X-Men, other than his love for Rogue.

2. Have storylines based on the Dark Phoenix Saga and other X-Men stories.
