MovieChat Forums > X-Men: Evolution (2000) Discussion > Anyone else wish they had used more of G...

Anyone else wish they had used more of Gambit?

Well folks,

Guess it's pretty obvious what this post is about. Gambit is my favorite X Man, and it bummed me out that when the franchise was revived (the movies, this show, etc.) that he was relegated to being a background character or didn't appear.

He is introduced as villian/amoral anti-hero here, which is an excellent new rendition for the series. But then, he is stuck in the back. I always hoped they could do more with his character, since he is a fan favorite (as far as I know, I could be wrong about that)

For example, he could have been the outcast that bonds with Rogue, especially since they're both southern. And then you could have Cyclops be jealous. I mean, come on, he knew Rogue had a thing for him. And then Gambit could have come in and made him a little bit jealous by stealing some of the female attention away from him. He also could have fought beside the others in the final Ascension battle. Seeing him go up against the Sentinels or his former boss Magneto would have been cool.

I do understand that they had a set of well established characters by the time he was introduced, and that there is only so much they can do with a 22 minute episode (damn commercial breaks) so I guess it was inevitable. I just wish they had made him a more central character.

But enough of my rambling. Anyone else's thoughts?


The problem runs deeper than that. Once Evolution got a main set of characters (original X-men, Magneto and Mystique) they never gave any significant focus to other characters. A lot of great secondary characters like Gambit, Colossus, Bobby etc were totaly underused. This detracted from an otherwise awesome cartoon.


Gambit got his own ep in Season 4's "Cajun Spice." He kidnaps Rogue & takes her to New Orleans.

And why would Scott be jealous? He loves Jean, and has always felt brotherly towards Rogue.

Baroness: If you ask me, some of them did not evolve!


I think of the Acolytes, Gambit was mentioned the most and had the most screentime other than Sabretooth. I like Gambit, but I was more upset with Colossus working for Magneto. Gambit worked for bad guys in the comics for a while, so I understood that a little more, but it wasn't until I got back into the show a month or so ago before I realized that Colossus was forced to work for Magneto. I would've liked Colossus to be a central character because I wasn't a big fan of Spyke and I felt Colossus deserved a more central role, but I liked how he helped the X-Men fight Apocalypse in the end and joined at the end of the series. It made me feel really good when I saw Colossus help and join in the end and I liked seeing Gambit in the group in the end too.


That's true. I agree with you about not being a fan of Spyke. Colossus and Gambit should have been focused on and the Spyke character shouldn't have been part of the series. But overall, it's still a pretty good show.


The central cast of X-Men was pretty big, nine characters, ten including Prof. X. They probably wanted to use Gambit as an evil character trying to avoid using some other Acolyte from the comics who wasn't too popular or not a fan favorite and also not increase the already large central cast of X-Men. Gambit was working for evil people for a while in the comics and went back and forth between being a thief and being an X-Man, so Gambit probably seemed like a logical choice for being on the bad side seeing is how the characters in the show are younger than they are in the older animated series and comics. After seeing more scenes with Colossus, I began to like his character more because of him working for Magneto to protect his family, it seemed like a good way to portray his character, but yeah, about Gambit. I think they were trying to show like the X-Men's past, when they were younger, and Gambit didn't join the X-Men until later than most of the characters from that show.

Even though he worked for Magneto, I wish we saw more of Gambit too, he was an interesting character and a love interest for the unlucky-in-love Rogue on that show. I remember Colossus and Shadowcat were a big couple in the comics, so I didn't like the idea of Shadowcat going out with Avalanche, just didn't make much sense to me when I watched the show, but dating Colossus while he was working for Magneto would've made less sense unless they told his story back in the first season. Sorry, Colossus is my favorite X-Man, so I ramble about him sometimes.


actually to the poster who was upset that colossus was with magneto..i do think he joined the acolytes at one point in the comics so its not so far not positive about this but i do have an old x-men card that has him in the acolytes costume so...


Oh, I defenitely wished they'd used Gambit more.
He's my favorite X-Man, too, and eventhough he's just a minor
character in the cartoon, I go absolutely crazy over the guy!!
(Read:Huge crush.)

I mean, I actually made a plushy of the character.
A character who only has a few moments and one episode all to
himself from just 2 seasons of a four season series.

It really is a shame. There were plenty of episodes featuring
the Brotherhood, but the Acolytes never got that kind of focus,
except for little moments here and there, and the episode Under
Lock and Key, which doesn't really count because it was a
tribute to the original X-Men team, anyway.
Instead, they had to bring in a bunch of "one-note" characters
in the last season instead of trying to focus on the ones
they already had. (I really like Dani and that one episode,
but I probably would've traded it in a nano-second for
an Acolyte based episode!)

Thankfully, I've had the pleasure of watching Cajun Spice
over and over, and although the comics are treating him
not-so-great right now, Gambit's got a very long history
to enjoy reading.


Gambit is blatantly the best. But the ONE thing that bothered me about him was his pudding-bowl hair! I mean SERIOUSLY - COME ON! Where were the sexy, messy spikes? His Evo do was NOT in any way attractive - unless you happen to be nine years old.
That said, he will always be the best X-Man that ever lived - past, present and future in all discovered and undiscovered dementions.


Gambit's cool but I think I'm getting tired of the ROMY couple, it's overused.

"While guys hold on to their toys forever, girls soon throw out their playthings."


I think ROMY has been going for so long now, that it would be weird if they split up permanently.


Yeah. You could be right there. It's like they belong with each other! Sorry if that sounds cheesy but it's the truth! :D

I agree with the OP. I think there should have been more Gambit but hey, what are ya going to do? At least he was in it.

'Everyone stay behind me!'


I agree that there should have been more Gambit in this show and also more Colossus in this show, since these two are some of my favorite X-Men characters.
