MovieChat Forums > Soul Food (2000) Discussion > Anyone else think Damon lasted too long?

Anyone else think Damon lasted too long?

First, I have to say Boris Kojoe is ridiculously good looking, and he & Nicole PArker make a great real life couple.

However, after a while his lack of acting chops started to dull the show to me. Despite the good looks, I thought his character reached the end of the line long before he 'left'.


He's not a very good actor.


yup and no amount of good looks changes that.
Of all the men Terri interacted with, I thought Brian & she seemed the most believable. Maybe its because they were just friends for so long, but the characters seemed to fit easily.


I think he is a great actor


He's not what I would call a great actor, but every role is not intended for a great actor. I loved his character, and the relationship between he and Teri. He was a good-looking educated guy from a very good family, that just needed to find what he wanted to do in life, and Teri realized he was her soul mate.Also..Damon never actually left the show. Not sure what the original poster meant. He and Teri got married on the finale episode.


what I meant by 'lasted too long' was that I thought he was better suited for a couple episodes, or even a season, and then they move on and introduce new ideas for Terri.
I actually didnt know they got married.


They ended up getting married, but he did leave the show. He only made special appearances during the last season. He wasn't a regular cast member anymore.



My problem with Damon is that I simply couldn't believe that Teri would fall for someone as callow and wet-behind-the-ears as him. I always thought that Teri had *much* more romantic/sexual chemistry with her colleague Brian Tedrow (Yannick Bisson), and that the writers copped out of exploring it because he was white....and because she was so fare skinned. Someone else who would have better suited her was Bob (Christopher B. Duncan.)

And Boris didn't churn out the greatest of performances, I agree. Most often, he was rather stoic, mechanical, wooden, and downbeat. IRL, a woman like Teri would have been annoyed with and walked all over him.


I always thought that Teri had *much* more romantic/sexual chemistry with her colleague Brian Tedrow (Yannick Bisson), and that the writers copped out of exploring it because he was white....and because she was so fare skinned.

I think you're right. It was very telling that the next person that they had Teri begin dating in the following episode was Charles Miller, who was very dark. That relationship lasted six episodes, whereas her fling with Brian was only allowed not even a full episode, even after 5 years of him lusting after her.



My wife and I discussed this today. I thought Brian was the perfect soul mate for her. He was educated, successful, very handsome, yet had a heart of gold that would always uplift Terri and put her 1st. My wife feels though that with him being so kind hearted would ultimately cause her to run over him.

I personally did not like how the series abruptly ended with her ending up with Damon. He was a jerk to her. Terri was a prize, even in her faults, when pointed out, she would always try to correct them. She was the best sister, a great role model and bad ass in her career.


First, I have to say Boris Kojoe is ridiculously good looking, and he & Nicole Parker make a great real life couple.

However, after a while his lack of acting chops started to dull the show to me. Despite the good looks, I thought his character reached the end of the line long before he 'left'.

Rockmond Dunbar>>>>>Boris K.
