Sorry Yu-Gi-Oh! fans but Yu-Gi-Oh! is coming to the end they can't keep it going because not enough people want to buy the cards again and the company is planning on ending the TV Series (shame the TV Series is ending it used to be one of the most watched things on Nickelodeon).

I think the reason Yu-Gi-Oh! is ending is because what people have been doing woldwide ever since the middle of february 2009 is starting to play Pokemon again.


its not so much to do with pokemon as it is with the fact that its just gotten boring and redundant. Yugioh was one of the very first animes i ever started watching and i loved it. i still really like it even now but the story line has just dried out and become so redundant and boring.

there are just far to many fillers and its all for the same thing. play a card game, save the world. next season: play a card game, save the world. next season: play a card game, save the world. see where im going with this?

and not to mention all the reruns. i mean seriously, rerun after rerun after rerun. I swear i at the time i had dang near all the dialouge memorized. And this was long before they even aired it on Nickeloden! this was back when it was still aired on WB on whatever weekday it was, usually saturday.

but the point is theres only so many reruns and reused plot lines you can take before you just get sick of it. I didnt even finish the seires before i got tired of all the reruns and fillers and whatnot. Actually it was really all the fillers that killed it for me. Alot of the stuff that happend in the anime seires never happened in the manga and so the anime just went on and on and on and on and on. i thought it was never going to end.

really if your going to drag something online that you need to keep it intresting or else everyone is just going to get sick of it. Just for the record i stopped watching yugioh near the end of the 'Doom' series. thats the one with Dartz in it.

i am starting to rewatch it though. Right now im on episode 17 of season one. Though i am debating on weather or not i should stick with the dubbed version or check out the uncensored japanese version. The only reason i havent checked out the japanese version is because im a little disappointed that they didnt use the same voice actors from season 0, also known as the Shadow game series. The voice actor for yami and yugi in that series was kick ass. She did a really excellent job voiceing them. specially yami.


Yugioh is still currently making new episodes for Series 5. Pokemon will go on for as long as they have colors and letters to use.


