I hate Tea/Anzu

All she does is tag along and is just a cheerleader.





Anzu is not only an annoying cheerleader she also has tendency to be shallow. it my be less obvious in this version but for anyone who has watched season 0 or read the early volumes of the manga knows what im talking about.

she leads yugi on because she's in love with yami, but whenever yami isnt around she just compelely brushes yugi off because in her words he's not "cool"







Her feelings for Atem and Yugi are very complicated. Yes, she's in love with Atem, but for a while she thought he WAS Yugi. In the manga, she even states how she saw Atem as an older and more mature Yugi. Then she finds out he's someone different entirely. Now whenever she looks at Yugi, she sees Atem, and vice versa. She's in love with one and a good friend to the other. It's very confusing. And how do you react to your friend without leading them on when you're in love with the person inhabiting their body? Is it any wonder she doesn't know how to act.

And while Tea may be a "cheerleader", she's also the backbone of the group. She holds them all together with her words of wisdom, determination, trust, and loyalty, even when they're losing their way. She may not have an active role like Yugi or Joey, but without her, their group would have fallen apart long ago. Heck, had she not drawn their friendship sign on their hands, Atem may never have seen it had had his resolve and trust in the Heart of the Cards restored during the very first battle with Kaiba, and nothing ever would have progressed after that. And how many times has that memory alone helped Yugi and Atem throughout the series? She a much more valuable character than most people realize.
