Yugi + Atem?

I have always wondered this. Why do Yugi and Atem look so much alike? Yugi has no connection to ancient Egypt unless you count the fact the Yugi's grandpa is the reincarnation of one of Atem's guardians. Does that have anything to do with it?




Here's my interpeation:

Atem is in yugi's body as a spirit he can only assume the figure of the
person he is hosting as he has no figure or shape since he is dead so his body is dead. If he'd been in tea's body he'd have looked like tea and so on. Its kind of like Yugi is possessed when he takes over, if you watch any horror films or even Ghost when Whoopi is taken over by a spirit her manner of speaking and her appearence changes somewhat. In the Dartz/Seal of Oricalous period when Yugi sacrifices his soul for Atem's his spirit is gone but his body remains which is why Atem can walk and talk without Yugi being there.

beauty freedom love truth




Yugi was a reincarnation of Atem. THe first episode of GX shows it. Yugi is about the Age Atem was in the show and he had Atem's voice. A lot of the characters (Yugi, Kaiba, Grandpa, etc) were all reincarnations of people in Egypt.



I like to think of reincarnation in Yu-Gi-Oh! as similar to how it was handled in The Mummy Returns, you're a reincarnation in body only, but not the soul. Thus why Yugi and Yami/Atem are two separate souls, same for Bakura and the Yami-Thief. From my point of view, it works out like this:

Yugi Muto's in-body source: Yami/Atem
Seto Kaiba's in-body source: Priest Seto
Téa Gardner's in-body source: Mana (So like a sister to Dark Magician Girl)
Solomon Sugoroku Muto's in-body source: Shimon Muran
Bakura's in-body source: The Thief

Superman & The [Red-Blue] Blur = The Man of Steel


True reincarnation is the soul being reborn in a new body. That's not what happened in this show. This show, everyone was the bodily reincarnation, which is a different person, who is meant to represent a person from the past (sometimes sharing some of the same memories), in order to finish what the original could not. Yugi was the bodily reincarnation of Atem, meant to house the soul of Atem that was sealed in the Millennium Puzzle.

Everyone in this series is the reincarnation of the body, not the soul, as was evident when Atem went to the afterlife and he saw all the "originals". The modern day versions were what's known as the bodily reincarnations, a rebirth in body only, having inherited the memories of the past person in order to right what happened in the past. They were present day representations that came to be in order to finish what their predecessors could not in the fight with Zorc.
