MovieChat Forums > Yu-Gi-Oh! (2001) Discussion > Yami and Téa in the manga

Yami and Téa in the manga

In the manga do Tea and Yami get together at all?

*~Dasey Forever~*


Don't think so, but I'm not sure...


No they don't. But its fairly obvious that Tea has a crush on Yami, in both the magna and the anime. Whether or not Yami knows of her feelings and returns them is a matter of opinion.

Everyday is a winding road, I get a little bit closer.
Forever Defying Gravity!


As far as I remember, the pair never get together in the manga.

Before I go any further, I'm going to note that there's sixty chapters (seven volumes) of the manga that had been written before the whole Pegasus arc even began. If you go off and read those sixty chapters, you'll find out how Tea developed her crush on Yami.

The crush is mentioned by Tea a few times throughout the manga afterwards. There's a scene just before Yugi goes down to duel Pegasus that shows Tea in Yugi's room assuring him that it doesn't matter if he's Yugi or Yami, she loves them both equally. When she's walked back out into the corridor, she's thinking, "I can't believe I just said that".

But, no; as far as I know, they don't get together. By the same token, I haven't finished the manga.


So, let me get this straight Yugi(Yami)/T~ea basically are like Minato(M C)/Yukari in Persona 3.

"Hello old friend it's either me, or you. The way I see it it might as well be you" - John Marston


That sucks, I wish they got together.


Tea is in love with Yami (or Atem as his real name is), and his feelings for her are never made clear, but he is very fond of her. Sadly, they don't get to be together because he crosses over at the end.
