Adult Swim

Coming Soon to Adult Swim is English Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncut! They promise they will show every episode in UNCUT FORM!


When? Where can I read about this?



... I see no reason to re-watch this series for the sake of (ahem) "Uncut glory".

Sure, guns will exist. Sure, some slight swear words. Why, even elements of religion might show up, and the plot might seem a tad bit more mature... but overall, I don't think where missing to much.

Oh, and I see no reason to have it on Adult Swim. I mean... even with those changes it's still the same series intended for the same audience of kids between ages 9-15.

"This city deserves a better class of criminal..."


No. Its for Teenagers! And it will be rated TV-14-V.


Where did you hear about this?

"Let's put a smile on that face!"


I thought of this myself.

It would be rated TV-14-V.


Could it be! Nah!

I can't wait for Michael Bay to direct Care Bears. Using real bears so it can be more realistic.


... Ok, how is it "Adult Swim" worthy?

"What do ya got, some kinda... Spider-Sense or somethen?"
"Funny you should say that."


The Japaneese version was intended for TEENAGERS because is contained sexual content, nudity, profanity, and stronger violence.


I know, read it when I was a kid... but I just... hmm... I guess my question is "How do you sell a show about kids and adults playing a cardgame on an adult network?"
The show was more or less raped by 4kids, but really the show has come and gone... Would you re-watch a cartoon consisting of like 200 or whatever episodes... all of which are about card games, but this time around with a more rounded out script with guns and swearing? Die hards will probably eat it up, but I really don't think newcomers will even bother, if not because of the card thing, then because of bad feedback from the last dub.

When you get right down to it, compared to most other animated shows intended for the teenage audience, Yugioh is tame. Guns, some violence, swearing, it's all been done before... the fact of the matter is no one will really care seeing as 80 percent of the time it's "IN DEFENSE/ATTACK MODE!" It's like someone recommends you an rpg... it has an alright story that grows over time... but having to go through all that damned turn-base crap... ugh.

In all honesty, I used to adore the series... until I had enough of the card garbage. Sure, some duels got creative, but things started to get old when they began basing a series on kids going to dueling school (... seriously...) To me, the only thing from the series I would recommend are the comics, before all the dueling got out of control. To bad it didn't translate all that well into animation... 10 minute chapters just don't make 30 minute episodes.

"What do ya got, some kinda... Spider-Sense or somethen?"
"Funny you should say that."



No, I am not. I mean the one that 4kids edited horribly (and made the movie suck according to the critics.)


... Uh, the "OLD" season zero came out in 1996... and even that wasn't that great. While the plot focused on something other than dueling, it still had plenty of problems. Each episode was based off a single chapter, meaning they had to stretch a 10 minute plot to fit about 30 minutes, leading to a lot of fillers in each episode. Now, the meat of the series were the games, which would last for about 5 minutes, and usually were changed from the original comic verisons to make the games last longer or make them seem more exciting (for example, they took out the knife and yen game from the first chapter and instead had Yugi and the school bully climbing up the side of the school, drawing playing cards to see how far they went). Even the violence was toned down, either avoiding death (the escaped killer only "THINKS" he's being burned alive), or avoid whole chapters together...

And if that wasn't enough, the design for the series was just unappealing to look at... While I still hate the dueling of the later series, the art design and music are miles ahead of season zero.

"What do ya got, some kinda... Spider-Sense or somethen?"
"Funny you should say that."




Now that, I'd watch.

Reader discretion is advised


Five years later and nothing. Somebody lied.
