Seriously bad script

This film was so badly written that I can't believe it was ever made, and then ever released, and then not completely slated.

The scenes were completely disjointed and unexplained.

George. English, bombed out, WWII survivor.


You are so right. This was TOTALLY UNREALISTIC. Like they did that kind of stuff then...or like people in charge were like that then. Hellooo! They were WITHOUT mercy. I think this is the only cheesy war film that ever was. Hopefully no more.

You had me at 'SERIAL KILLER'!



"That was TOTALLY UNREALISTIC", "They were WITHOUT mercy."

As a German, if find I must add something to this post. What was so out of the question? Is it SOOOOO unbelievable that us "nazi supermen" were even slightly human? The German in charge here obviously wanted to be a lawyer and live in the States rather then be where he was. He said he went to Yale. So is so unbelievable, that he might want to entertain himself a little with a trial? And the Germans seemed to have some resect for the Amercans' rank and let them all settle all their other own affairs. Why not a court-martail? And above all, remember that this movie was fiction and had a great story, with interesting, flawed characters.


Whilst the story did get unrealisitic towards the end, I loved the way the characters were written and the conflicts they had to face. There were quite a few things I didn't expect which happened throughout the film and it kept me guessing what would happen till the end. I think it was an excellent script. Now if the book was much better I don't know coz I didn't read the book. But the script seemed fine to me.

They call me MISTER Jinx


I agree with you. The script was great. It made its point about honor, honor, honor. Yes, some parts were a little hard to follow, but it had me in suspense right up till the end. I loved this movie and would recommend it to anyone.



I also got the impression the camp commandant would have much preferred to be a lawyer in the USA.

Certainly he had personal sadness to contend with (the loss of his own son on the Eastern Front), and showed no mercy or respect to Russians (for the aforesaid reason). He even warned the Yanks of who they were in bed with for allies!! (as we found out years later as Stalin's crimes against EVERYONE came to light).

But despite this he did try to show some genuine civility, because I believe, when Bruce Willis, (the much underused titular 'star' of the film) tells him, "We're all losers." just before he executes Willis for leading a breakout and sabotage, the commandant knew Willis was right. The war had made them both losers.

Fact is, unless the prison camp was liberated almost immediately after this
heroic 'incident' (where prisoners escape to blow up a disguised munitions factory next to the camp,) the SS would have had time to come in and shoot everyone. Including the German commandant for failing in his duty.

THAT would have been a far better ending. Totally horrible. Totally unforgetable. Something studio execs wouldn't have the guts to show.





Who are you talking to Kanzlerin? Because if you think that 'movie' was accurate, well than I must say that you are the one narrow-minded.




movies were not invented to be 100% realistic people. Give it a rest, i liked this movie.


You have to remember - your perception of what Nazi's were like is based on the information created by those who defeated the Nazi's. Certainly they were wrong, and in many ways downright evil, in their philosophy and actions - but that in no way means they were uncivilized brutes. I believe the commandante in this film was the epitome of the older generation of soldier that existed at the time - probably not that "into" the whole Nazi world order thing, and probably assigned to that "middle-of-nowhere" camp because of this lack of enthusiasm, and therefore just tired of the whole thing! His expert performance communicated less the monster, and more the man who has lost his sense of purpose - I think the most interesting aspect of the film (and one that should have been addressed more) was that of Bruce Willis' aching desire to be back on the frontlines versus Werner's acceptance of his place at that camp - evidenced beautifully in the "almost drunk" sequence he and Willis shared. While I liked the Colin Farrel story very much, I'd have liked to have seen more of the film told from Willis' perspective - why is he the way he is, and what does he do about it.

By the way, sounds to me like your problem is really with the direction or editing of the film, not the writing - I thought the film was very well written.


Hes just another looser that rent the DVD expecting to see PLATOON´s or Black Hawk Down´s actions/shootings and got disapointed...


No nandog, actually I wasn't looking so much for shootings and explosions but for some quality psychological stuff. And instead I wasted 2 hours of my precious time, just like you. You just don't know it yet.

You had me at 'SERIAL KILLER'!


Classic comeback, ehehhehehe. Brilliant



It is a MOVIE. Get over yourself. It is meant for entertainment. It is not a documentary so factual events are not necessary. I really hate anyone on this board who complains about movies in this fashion. You dont like a movie? Then take your opinion and act like a good little boy and shut your god dang mouth. End of story. You like the movie good. You dont exactly care for the movie, sure post that and maybe some parts you did like. Do not a flame a movie, if you are telling me that you can do better. Here is two words for ya: PROVE IT.


"You dont like a movie? Then take your opinion and act like a good little boy and shut your god dang mouth."

I think it's pretty sad you tell other people to STFU just because they didn't like such a lame movie. I think this world needs more documentaries and less anti-historical movies. If you are going to f#ck up the whole WW2 story, then put a big bad capital letters sign before the movies starts: THE FOLLOWING FILM HAS BEEN MADE BY A DIRECTOR WHO HAD 0 KNOWDLEGE ABOUT HISTORY.


You got it right on the nose rapagan!! You only have to change 'director' with 'writer'.

You had me at 'SERIAL KILLER'!


I agree with dejester rapagan, to an extent. I also agree with a few others, but not the majority. I think, first off, anyone who has an issue with how unrealistic this movie may or may not be (people shouldn't state their opinion as if it is fact) should really have known better. It seems that most of the complainers act as if they are major history buffs. (I say act because so few people know anything of what they talk so deffinatly about.) So you've got the sense to know that this movie is so very unrealistic, yet you don't expect it to be when the biggest actor in it made a movie as unrealistic as Die Hard (amoung other things). You want realistic, go watch the History Channel. It's like watching Finding Nemo and saying that "Aquatic life would never exist as was portrayed in that movie!" Ya think? Come on fellas!

Also, I don't see where you're coming from with this whole "They were all evil" thing. Nazi isn't an adjective used to describe an evil person. It was a political party. And what good would it do them to treat the prisoners poorly. It seemed like the Allied troops so greatly outnumbered the German's numbers, that they could have easily overthrown the Axis hold. (Despite great and inevitable losses)


It's a movie. It's something your meant to enjoy and it's something that is meant to take you away from your life for two hours. If you want to watch something real watch Big Brother or something the like. It's not meant to be taken seriously. You guys who can't enjoy it need to be less up tight.



"It's a movie. It's something your meant to enjoy and it's something that is meant to take you away from your life for two hours. If you want to watch something real watch Big Brother or something the like. It's not meant to be taken seriously. You guys who can't enjoy it need to be less up tight. "

It's not ment to be taken seriously? What planet do YOU come from?? It's like saying a book is only ment to be read for therapeutic purposes. Do you evan realize how proposturous that sounds? Sure it's entertaining, sure that's WHY they make movies, but it's educational also. If it weren't, then you would say there is no difference between someone who has read 1000 books and someone who hasn't read a single book. The difference can't evan be cuantified. Sure they're both humans, but one has a very good understanding of the world that surounds him, while the other one is living obliviously.

A movie is very much like a book (cinematography is the 7th art after all). You can either learn stuff from it, or not. But you CAN and SHOULD take the movie seriously, because it's supposed to teach you a little something about one of the darkest periods in human history!

You may not like what i've written, but it is true. Make a movie with Tom Cruise where you say that Nazi doctrine was right and justified, and the next day you'll see 1000 people becoming neo-nazis and fascists. You take the movie seriously one way or another, whether you accept it or not, whethear you know it or not.

Movies are just one way of influencing masses. (that's why during WW2 and evan today, a lot of movies are made for propaganda reasons).

P.S. Sorry for spelling errors, i'm romanian, so we speak a different language.



on the audio commentary, the producers or writers (can't remember) admitted that the trial came to late, so that the film didn't know what it was, about a trial or soldiers in a prison camp.


I prefer other WWII movies to this one. I thought that putting a "innocent" soldier on trial is totally despicable. I am glad that the UCMJ and the Military Code of Conduct is in place and indicates how military service members should behave as POWs.

United States Military Code of Conduct

Article IV

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

When I was in the military and I saw this movie I was shocked. I could not believe that the Officer in Charge would knowingly put an innocent man on trial. Actions like this does not help morale and is the exact opposite of the way to behave. The OIC's actions show him to be a traitor, coward and racist. Being the OIC means that you are responsible for lives of ALL your men and that you are to ensure the safety of ALL of them.

I do understand that this a movie, but after being in the military, the idea of "framing" another service member is repugnant. The only reason any military member should see this movie is to show them how NOT to act as a POW.

Strippers should be role-models for little girls. If only for the fact that they wax their @$$h0leS


"...I saw this movie I was shocked. I could not believe that the Officer in Charge would knowingly put an innocent man on trial. Actions like this does not help morale and is the exact opposite of the way to behave. The OIC's actions show him to be a traitor, coward and racist. Being the OIC means that you are responsible for lives of ALL your men and that you are to ensure the safety of ALL of them."

don't want to be an jerk... but the OIC (willis) put the innocent man on trial, knowing that he was innocent, because almost everybody did hate the black men.

(Yeah.. I know, not everybody.. but it was a different time; after 10 of 20 years after WWII black people could (legally, not in real life though) sit next to a white person in the bus.)

And so, it actually does help the morale of the soldiers..

and remember: it was war.. rules don't count.


"And so, it actually does help the morale of the soldiers.. "

I take it you've never been in the military. It makes it OK to hang an innocent man because he is different from everyone else or because he is not well liked? I hope that no one in the military shares your beliefs because alot of soldiers would be sold out to the enemy.

"and remember: it was war.. rules don't count."

Have you ever heard of the GENEVA CONVENTION? The United States also has the Code of Conduct.

There are rules to war and Americans should do what they can to follow them.
The black soldier is NOT an enemy combatant.

You have not one valid statement in your arguement.

I will not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
I will face my fear.
I will let it pass through me.


Both the German and British treated POWS with respect, however Russian and German POWS was completely diiferent as can be seen in the movie. My girlfriend is part german and her grandfather was a German soldier in a Russian POW camp, and when he was released the first thing he did was bite into an onion because he wanted to eat something with flavour. Something which he had been deprived of!


The summary of the movie sounds like 'STALAG 17'.


There is nothing good about this script.

bushtony and his mother suffer from Congential Stupidtiy and they didn't see it coming.


Blimey, another blast from the past ... guess you got that right ...
