Hart's War Review

On occasion, I find a hidden treasure in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart. While digging through the plethora of cheap five dollar movies looking for an addition to my DVD collection, I find an interesting mix of cinema. I guess it is a movie buffs version of shopping at flea markets. You never know what type of movie you’ll find amidst the scrambled clutter. One DVD that found it’s way into my hands recently was Hart’s War. I found a World War II movie starring Colin Farrell alongside Bruce Willis. Two actors I respect immensely in a World War II film…what’s not to like? I shelled out my five dollars (plus tax) and eagerly rushed home to unwrap my newfound gem.

Hart’s War begins with an innocuous trip from Headquarters. Lt Hart (Colin Farrell) has volunteered to transport a Captain to another post along with a crate of Champagne . It is 1944 and the Allies are gaining the advantage. So Lt Hart is caught off guard when Germans disguised as Military Police kill the Captain and end up taking Lt Hart captive. Lt Hart is interrogated and breaks with relative ease. After divulging his limited information, Lt Hart is sent on a harrowing trip to a POW camp. Airplanes strafe the POW planes as they are offloading at a depot, killing several POWs and adding some intensity to the tempo. What looks like a possible escape is thwarted when the ducking German’s quickly re-establish control and bring the POW’s back in line.

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