MovieChat Forums > Hart's War (2002) Discussion > A complete waste of film!

A complete waste of film!

I bought this movie because I was curious. Well, I'm not curious anymore! I could barely stand to watch thirty minutes of it, it was so bad! This is supposed to be a war movie? I understand it was based on fact. Well, sometimes the facts should be confined to a book. This didn't translate well at all. The writing was bad, the actors were wasted besides Brucie and Colin whom the director decided should be in every shot. I also was disppointed in the scenes or lack thereof, of the late Jonathan Brandis who is completely buried in this film. He has no speaking parts but only on the deleted scenes which they should have left in. He is only seen here and there, behind Cole Hauser's shoulder or smoking in the corner. Having seen far better films such as Saving Private Ryan and the Tuskegee Airmen, and numerous other films about WWII, I thought this would fare better. It was nothing but a mismatched rehash of Stalag 17 and Paths of Glory. I thought the blatant racism toward one's fellow soldiers could have been told better, not to mention the betrayal of Colin's character. He gave it up so easily. I'd think any officer worth his salt would have kept his gums shut until they started prying off his fingernails. You'd think so. Well, I was very disappointed in this farce that was nothing but a love letter to Colin and Bruce. Just turn on the producer's commentary and he just goes on and on about what a great actor he is. No mention of the other actors who were in this picture. What about them? What about some history? I don't really care how you went to the ballet one evening. This movie ranks as one of the worst on my all time list of bad war movies. I'm selling this on amazon. Jonathan Brandis for the record, deserved better. As did the story of the soldiers that this film was supposed to tell!



"not to mention the betrayal of Colin's character. He gave it up so easily. I'd think any officer worth his salt would have kept his gums shut until they started prying off his fingernails. You'd think so."

He wasn't worth his salt at the beginning of the movie--that was the point.

It sounds like you're just mad because Jonathan Brandis' part got cut. I think it's a pretty good movie.


Jonathan Brandis's parts were cut because a certain gentleman ( who shall remain nameless ) in that movie didn't get on with him and didn't like Jon. He didn't like ex-teen idols. And he used his influence on others..... which eventually led to Jon being cut from the film.

In memory of Charlie Rocket.
Rediscovering a man called Charlie Claverie



That Grapevine causes alot of havock sometimes. Just proves paybacks can be a b..... especially when someone is quiet and trying to just fit in.

In memory of Charlie Rocket.
Rediscovering a man called Charlie Claverie
